Closed W-Wuxian closed 1 month ago
As said in This problem is nvhpc 24.7 specific, 24.5 works fine.
As said in This problem is nvhpc 24.7 specific, 24.5 works fine.
Hi it is actually my nvidia ticket that you point me out, but I still get errors, please review the following ticket:
the "-cuda" option actually fix previous errors msg, but i got new one related to constexpr
see the attached MAKELOG.log file.
MAKELOG.log|attachment (130.2 KB)
to reproduce the error, here is the step by step:
conda activate smilei_env
module load nvhpc-hpcx-cuda12/ phdf5/nvhpc/
make -j12 machine="machine_file" config="verbose gpu_nvidia" 2>&1 | tee MAKELOGlog
I created a
export BUILD_DIR=/opt/apps/libsoft/smilei/nvhpc/5.1
export GPU_COMPILER=nvcc
export SMILEICXX=nvc++
export PYTHONEXE=/opt/apps/miniconda3/env/root/envs/smilei_gpu_env/bin/python
export HDF5_ROOT_DIR=/opt/apps/fileformat/phdf5/nvhpc/1.14.3
and used this mahine_file:
# Options pour nvcxx (Compilateur C++ de NVHP)
CXXFLAGS += -w -v -cuda -noswitcherror
CXXFLAGS += -tp=cascadelake -gpu=cc50 -acc=gpu -std=c++14 -lcurand -cudalib=curand
CXXFLAGS += -Minfo=accel # what is offloaded/copied
# Options pour NVCC (Compilateur CUDA)
GPU_COMPILER_FLAGS += -O3 --std c++14 -arch=sm_50 -v # --compiler-bindir="mpicc"
GPU_COMPILER_FLAGS += --expt-relaxed-constexpr
LDFLAGS += -acc=gpu -gpu=cc50 -v -std=c++14 -cudalib=curand -lcudart -lcurand -lacccuda
First things first:
-Sorry if there was a misunderstanding, I knew it was you since it was the exact same issue. I was being tongue in cheek. I found it by chance looking at the nvidia forum today.
Now if you would like, please open a conversation or we can continue this discussion on element
Your attachment is missing (MAKELOG.log)
- but also internally to add on top of the support we provide through element. So we like to provide support and intend to continue doing so but consider this is a lot of work for a small team. Please understand that support might not be provided as fast as you would hope for as we all have a lot of work on our
I would like to apologize for my toxic behavior, and thank you and your team for your patience and teaching. I was only focused on myself without thinking about all your constraints. I repost the error log here issue745.
Hi, please review the attached makelog2.log as a result of the following configuration:
mpic++ --version
:mpic++ -show
:h5cc --version
):python --version
) :Python 3.12.4
Originally posted by @W-Wuxian in