SmileycorpMC / The-Hordes

Minecraft mod which adds zombie infection and mob invasions
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Horde mod modded mobs #55

Closed MadX004 closed 1 year ago

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

i am hosting a modded server with a friend.

now we wanted to add the horde mod but use custom mobs from other mods to spawn in the horde now i wonder how to make the option that this other modded mobs spawn in hordes? because i saw it at an youtube video but i have no clue how he did it where in the code do i need to add those mobs?

i hope anyone can help me asap

SmileycorpMC commented 1 year ago

Which version are you using because it slightly depends, the required files will be in your config folder either way.

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

i have those mbs for the waves: #A list of entities to spawn followed by the spawn weight then the day they first appear on then the last day. Higher weight is more common. Leave the last value to 0 to set no max day, entities can have nbt attached to them.(e.g. minecraft:zombie{ActiveEffects:[{Id:12,Amplifier:0,Duration:10000}]}-20-0-0) spawnList = ["alexsmobs:anaconda-30-0-0", "alexsmobs:crocodile-30-0-0", "alexsmobs:crimson_mosquito-40-0-0", "alexsmobs:capuchin_monkey-30-0-0", "alexsmobs:tarantula_hawk-20-0-0", "alexsmobs:gelada_monkey-30-0-0", "canes_wonderful_spiders:wolf_spider-30-0-0", "canes_wonderful_spiders:black_widow-40-0-0", "canes_wonderful_spiders:jumping_spider-30-0-0", "canes_wonderful_spiders:diving_bell_spider-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:decaying_zombie_not_despawn-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:door_knight_not_despawn-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:dread_hound_not_despawn-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:restless_spirit-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:seared_spirit-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:nightmare_stalker-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:dread_hound-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:shy_spirit-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:skeleton_thrasher-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:fallen_chaos_knight-30-0-0", "for born_in_chaos_v1:barrel_zombie-30-0-0", "graveyard:ghoul-50-0-0", "graveyard:revenant-30-0-0", "graveyard:ghouling-30-0-0", "graveyard:reaper-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:zombie_clown-30-0-0"] but it keeps spawning zombie horses and zombies and zoglins why doesnt it work and spawn the other mobs?

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

so i wonder why it only spawns zoglins zombie horses and not my modded mobs

SmileycorpMC commented 1 year ago

Which version are you using, the way the config works has changed in you're on the latest version of 1.18 or 1.19, you now have to put the spawnlist in a different file. config/hordes/data/hordes/tables/default.json

MadX004 commented 1 year ago


SmileycorpMC commented 1 year ago

And on the latest version? The spawntable with be in that file now.


Or alternatively you can make a datapack that replaces the file.

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

["Horde Event"]

Set to false to completely disable the horde event and anything relating to it.

enableHordeEvent = true
#Amount of mobs to spawn per wave.
spawnAmount = 15
#Multiplier by which the spawn amount increases by each time the event naturally spawns. (Set to 1 to disable scaling.)
hordeSpawnMultiplier = 2.0
#Time in ticks the event lasts for
hordeSpawnDuration = 6000
#Time in ticks between spawns for the horde spawn event.
hordeSpawnInterval = 2000
#What time of day does the horde event start? eg 18000 is midnight with default day length.
hordeStartTime = 9000
#Amount of days between horde spawns
hordeSpawnDays = 1
#Amount of days a horde event can be randomly extended by
hordeSpawnVariation = 0
#Max cap for the number of entities that can exist from the horde at once.
hordeSpawnMax = 30
#Length of a day (use only if you have another day that changes the length of the day/night cycle) Default is 24000
dayLength = 24000
#Set to true to enable the horde spawning on the first day. (Game day 0)
spawnFirstDay = true
#Set to false to disable the use of beds during a horde event.
canSleepDuringHorde = false
#How much should the size of each horde scale down by when multiple players are near each other?
hordeMultiplayerScaling = 2.0
#Do the daylight cycle (and active horde events get paused while there are no players online.).
pauseEventServer = true
#A list of entities to spawn followed by the spawn weight then the day they first appear on then the last day. Higher weight is more common. Leave the last value to 0 to set no max day, entities can have nbt attached to them.(e.g. minecraft:zombie{ActiveEffects:[{Id:12,Amplifier:0,Duration:10000}]}-20-0-0)
spawnList = ["alexsmobs:anaconda-30-0-0", "alexsmobs:crocodile-30-0-0", "alexsmobs:crimson_mosquito-40-0-0", "alexsmobs:capuchin_monkey-30-0-0", "alexsmobs:tarantula_hawk-20-0-0", "alexsmobs:gelada_monkey-30-0-0", "canes_wonderful_spiders:wolf_spider-30-0-0", "canes_wonderful_spiders:black_widow-40-0-0", "canes_wonderful_spiders:jumping_spider-30-0-0", "canes_wonderful_spiders:diving_bell_spider-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:decaying_zombie_not_despawn-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:door_knight_not_despawn-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:dread_hound_not_despawn-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:restless_spirit-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:seared_spirit-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:nightmare_stalker-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:dread_hound-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:shy_spirit-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:skeleton_thrasher-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:fallen_chaos_knight-30-0-0", "for born_in_chaos_v1:barrel_zombie-30-0-0", "graveyard:ghoul-50-0-0", "graveyard:revenant-30-0-0", "graveyard:ghouling-30-0-0", "graveyard:reaper-30-0-0", "born_in_chaos_v1:zombie_clown-30-0-0"]


Set to false to completely disable mob infection and anything related to it.

enableMobInfection = true
#Can villagers be infected.
infectVillagers = true
#Chance out of 100 for a villager to get infected
villagerInfectChance = 85
#Can players be infected.
infectPlayers = true
#Whether later levels of infected should slightly slow movement speed? 
infectSlowness = true
#Whether later levels of infected should depleet hunger quicker? 
infectHunger = false
#Chance out of 100 for a player to get infected
playerInfectChance = 1
#How long do each of the 4 effect phases last for before the next phase is activated?
ticksForEffectStage = 366000
#Mobs in this list can cause the infection effect.)
infectionEntities = ["minecraft:zombie", "minecraft:zombie_villager", "minecraft:husk", "minecraft:drowned", "minecraft:zombie_horse", "hordes:zombie_player", "hordes:drowned_player"]
#A list of items which can cure infection when 'consumed' or used on an entity can accept nbt tags. eg.minecraft:golden_apple, minecraft:potion{Potion: "minecraft:strong_regeneration"}
cureItemList = ["minecraft:golden_apple", "minecraft:enchanted_golden_apple"]
#A list of entities that can be infected, followed by the chance out of 100 to infect, then the entity to convert them to, entities can have nbt attached to them.(e.g. minecraft:villager-85-minecraft:zombie_villager{ActiveEffects:[{Id:12,Amplifier:0,Duration:10000}]}), note: players and villagers have special code accociated with them, and should not be in this list
customConversionList = ["minecraft:horse-65-minecraft:zombie_horse"]
#Do entities on the infectionEntities list automatically target entities on the infectionConversionList
infectionEntitiesAggroConversions = true


Whether to use zombie players as graves all the time. (Even if infection is disabled)

zombieGraves = false
#Whether to always spawn a drowned if a player dies underwater. (Even if infection or zombieGraves are disabled)
drownedGraves = false
#Whether to spawn drowned players when a player dies underwater instead of a zombie player. (Whether the zombie is spawned from infection or zombieGraves being true)
drownedPlayers = true
#Whether zombie players and drowned players should be immune to fire damage
zombiePlayersFireImmune = false
#Whether zombie players and drowned players burn in sunlight.
zombiePlayersBurn = true
#Whether zombies and drowneds burn in sunlight.
zombiesBurn = true
#Whether skeletons and strays burn in sunlight.
skeletonsBurn = true
#Whether zombie villagers have vanilla curing mechanics or not
zombieVillagersCanBeCured = true
#Whether zombie horses are aggressive or not.
aggressiveZombieHorses = true
#Whether zombie horses burn in sunlight.
zombieHorsesBurn = true
#Whether skeleton horses burn in sunlight.
skeletonHorsesBurn = true
#Whether unmounted horses are scared of zombies.
zombiesScareHorses = true
MadX004 commented 1 year ago

this is the entire code

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

but i wonder wher eis my error? why doesnt it spawn custom mobs?

MadX004 commented 1 year ago


MadX004 commented 1 year ago

so the spawn table has t ochange to all thos custom modded mobs?

SmileycorpMC commented 1 year ago

Just the default one.

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

image i changed it but it doesnt work anymore

MadX004 commented 1 year ago


MadX004 commented 1 year ago

so i wonder why doesnt it summon a horde anymore if i do /starthorde event 6000

SmileycorpMC commented 1 year ago

There will be an error in the log, remove the last comma after "born_in_chaos_v1:zombie_clown-30-0-0"

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

image like this?

SmileycorpMC commented 1 year ago


MadX004 commented 1 year ago

let me try it

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

image it works thank you so much

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

1 more question

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

how to prevent the mobs from attacking each other? and how to make it so ther eis like only 1 kind of mob but it randomly can be any mob? lik now its mixed but what if i only wanted snakes?

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

or like more of 1 kind of mob?

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

i mean i dont want mobs to be mixed i want 1 type of mob for each horde

SmileycorpMC commented 1 year ago

So you see where in the folder there are the multiple table files, each one of those represents a table that the mod can use, so you'd make a table file for each type of horde you want to show up.

Then you'd go to the file config/hordes/data/hordes/horde_scripts/default.json and add them in the values section, so with the default tables it would look like this:

    "function": "hordes:set_spawntable",
    "value": [
    "conditions": []
MadX004 commented 1 year ago

oooh okaty thanks then my last question i dont know if this is horde mod related but how to make it so if an specifik mob hits you you get an effect called true poison which doenst leave you on 0.5 HP but completely kills you?

SmileycorpMC commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure, it's not a part of this mod.

MadX004 commented 1 year ago

okay thanks for your help i appreciate it