SmilyOrg / tw5-monaco

Monaco editor for TiddlyWiki
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Every Word Is Capitalized On Android Phone #18

Open cdaven opened 2 years ago

cdaven commented 2 years ago

When I try the demo on my pretty new Android phone (with the Chrome browser), Every Word Is Capitalized. Maybe autocapitalize="word" is set somewhere?

SmilyOrg commented 2 years ago

Looks like it's the same on my phone as well. Unfortunately it seems like that's due to Monaco itself as it wasn't really built for mobile, which leaves us with limited options.

Maybe there's an override we could do in Monaco to resolve this specific issue 🤔

Alternatively we could make this plugin only enable itself on non-Mobile devices and fall back to the basic text editor on mobile. This seems to be how others often handle this based on the ticket above.

What do you think?

cdaven commented 2 years ago

In that case, it would probably be much easier to fall back to another editor. Is it possible to fall back to another editor plugin, such as CodeMirror/CMPlus?

SmilyOrg commented 2 years ago

I think so, but I'm not sure exactly how. Maybe the existing fallback code would work for this too.

The big question is then when to fall back. An example given in that thread is e.g. tablets or phones with attached keyboards, that's a bit of a gray area. It seems like it's the best to pick a heuristic, then allow switching back and forth in the UI.