SmingHub / Sming

Sming - powerful open source framework simplifying the creation of embedded C++ applications.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
1.46k stars 349 forks source link

about adding a "link exception" to the license #745

Closed rahmanih closed 7 years ago

rahmanih commented 8 years ago


First of all well done for this nice piece of code! is it possible to add a "link exception" clause in the license, that we can use Sming into a closed source application ;)

regards Haithem.

hreintke commented 8 years ago

@rahmanih I am (co)owner but not the original author and not yet very familiar with licensing. Will do some reading on this and get back to you shortly.

BTW : Support will move from SmingNONOS to SmingRTOS. Better to use that to be future proof.

BTW2 : Any indication on the application you are building ?

rahmanih commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the quick answer!

BTW2: I'm integrating the esp8266 with an STM32F7 discovery board to use it for wireless communiction with a PC.


slaff commented 7 years ago

@rahmanih Sming's license is LGPL. It means that if you make changes to Sming you must release them under LGPL. But if you only use Sming as a library without modifying it then there is no problem including it in your proprietary application. As long as there is a clear separation between Sming and your application AND you have specified that you are using Sming with link to the github repo then everything should be fine.