SmingHub / Sming

Sming - powerful open source framework simplifying the creation of embedded C++ applications.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
1.48k stars 347 forks source link

[*] Preparation for Release 3.0.0 #800

Closed slaff closed 7 years ago

slaff commented 8 years ago

This issue is created to collect all the tasks we need to do before the 3.0.0 Release (Was 2.2.0 but this release contains so much useful features and fixes that it deserves a major version).

Source Code

Pending PRs



State of the provided samples

Name Status with SDK 1.4 Status with SDK 1.5 Remarks Maintainer
Accelerometer_MMA7455 :question: :question:
Arducam :question: :question:
Basic_AirUpdate :question: :question:
Basic_APA102 :question: :question:
Basic_Blink :sunny: :sunny:
Basic_Capsense :question: :question:
Basic_Debug :sunny: :sunny: slaff
Basic_Delegates :sunny: :sunny:
Basic_HwPWM :question: :question:
Basic_Interrupts :question: :question:
Basic_Neopixel :question: :question:
Basic_ProgMem :question: :question:
Basic_PWM :question: :question:
Basic_rBoot :sunny: :sunny: raburton
Basic_ScannerI2C :question: :question:
Basic_Serial :sunny: :sunny:
Basic_Servo :question: :question:
Basic_SmartConfig :sunny: :sunny:
Basic_Ssl :question: :sunny: slaff
Basic_WebSkeletonApp :question: :question:
Basic_WiFi :question: :question:
CommandProcessing_Debug :question: :question:
Compass_HMC5883L :question: :question:
DNSCaptivePortal :sunny: :sunny: If you have issues check #797
DS3232RTC_NTP_Setter :question: :question:
Echo_Ssl :sunny: :sunny: slaff
FtpServer_Files :sunny: :sunny: Fixed in 19d977a6a1267e7429ddd9c9eedf6266149e3b48
Gesture_APDS-9960 :question: :question:
HttpClient_Instapush :question: :question:
HttpClient_ThingSpeak :question: :question:
HttpServer_AJAX :sunny: :sunny:
HttpServer_Bootstrap :sunny: :sunny:
HttpServer_ConfigNetwork :sunny: :sunny: If you have issues check #797
HttpServer_WebSockets :sunny: :sunny:
Humidity_DHT22 :question: :question:
Humidity_SI7021 :question: :question:
IR_lib :question: :question:
LED_WS2812 :question: :question:
Light_BH1750 :question: :question:
LiquidCrystal_44780 :question: :question:
MeteoControl :question: :question:
MeteoControl_mqtt :question: :question:
MqttClient_Hello :sunny: :sunny: SSL support is working too. Possible high latency #547 slaff
PortExpander_MCP23017 :question: :question:
PortExpander_MCP23S17 :question: :question:
Pressure_BMP180 :question: :question:
Radio_nRF24L01 :question: :question:
Radio_RCSwitch :question: :question:
Radio_si4432 :question: :question:
ScreenLCD_5110 :question: :question:
ScreenOLED_SSD1306 :question: :question:
ScreenTFT_ILI9163C :question: :question:
ScreenTFT_ILI9340-ILI9341 :question: :question:
ScreenTFT_ST7735 :question: :question:
SDCard :question: :question:
SystemClock_NTP :question: :question:
TcpClient_NarodMon :question: :question:
Telnet_TCPServer_TCPClient :question: :question:
Temperature_DS1820 :question: :question:
UdpServer_Echo :question: :question:
UdpServer_mDNS :question: :question:
Ultrasonic_HCSR04 :question: :question:
Websocket_Client :sunny: :sunny: For SSL support read the comments from #819 avr39-ripe

Resource Usage

slaff commented 7 years ago

@harry-boe Can you check the latest SDCard from the develop on your device and tell us if it is working for you?

@alonewolfx2 @robotiko Can you test the Basic_Neopixel sample from the latest source code and tell me if it is working on your devices?

harry-boe commented 7 years ago

i still struggle with the toolchain after the OSX Sierra update. Maybe someone can point me to some instruction on how to use the Docker container to get around the OSX issues ?

slaff commented 7 years ago

how to use the Docker container

@harry-boe Read the documentation:

slaff commented 7 years ago

@anakod Can you check if the Radio_RCSwitch sample is working on a real device with the latest code? It would be great if you can help us test other samples that have unknown status in the list above.