SmiteshP / nvim-navbuddy

A simple popup display that provides breadcrumbs feature using LSP server
Apache License 2.0
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Getting issue while renaming symbol [lazy.nvim] #37

Closed insomnia-creator closed 1 year ago

insomnia-creator commented 1 year ago

My setup file looks like this:

local navbuddy = require("nvim-navbuddy")

navbuddy.setup {
  lsp = {
    auto_attach = true

Installation via Lazy.nvim

    dependencies = {
    lazy = false

Error recieved:

E5108: Error executing lua: attempt to call
field 'rename' (a table value)
stack traceback: in function 'v' in function <

Additional information:

---Navbuddy is being opened by the following map key:
  map('n', "<leader>v", ":lua require('nvim-navbuddy').open() <CR>", {silent = true})

Just doing a fresh installation and following instructions from README

SmiteshP commented 1 year ago

Not able to reproduce the issue? 🤔 Which version of neovim are you using? Can you move your cursor over some variable name or function name and try this command

:lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()

This should help us isolate if the issue is caused by navbuddy or something else.

insomnia-creator commented 1 year ago
Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 10 45 01 AM

Looks like it is a neovim issue and not a navbuddy issue.

I'm using Neovim version NVIM v0.9.0-dev-16-g56998feeb

insomnia-creator commented 1 year ago

@SmiteshP Looks like I found the issue. After inspecting the vim.lsp.buf.rename table, I found the .float function which does exactly what I was looking for, this maybe a thing in the newer versions of neovim.

Running :lua vim.lsp.buf.rename.float() after hovering works fine! This is a pre-release version so I'll be closing the issue here, do patch this later on.