Smithsonian / CCN-Data-Library

The Coastal Carbon Network Data Library: An open-source database featuring carbon data from tidal wetlands around the world
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Update attribute names QA test #35

Closed mlonneman closed 5 months ago

mlonneman commented 4 years ago

Rewrite function to not require including the name of the table as an argument. Join controlled and uncontrolled vocab tables to exclude uncontrolled attributes from violating the test.

mlonneman commented 4 years ago

Additionally, change test name to "testAttributeNames" to fit vocabulary used in guidance

jaxinewolfe commented 1 year ago

Function has been updated, but it doesn't join controlled and uncontrolled variables. Just controlled for now. Need to reevaluate the uncontrolled vars table. If a variable is uncontrolled and included in the synthesis, it still needs defining for the end user. Need to make sure that transfers to the Atlas data dictionary.