Smithsonian / CCN-Data-Library

The Coastal Carbon Network Data Library: An open-source database featuring carbon data from tidal wetlands around the world
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Sanderman et al 2018: not all cores georeferenced #4

Closed dklinges9 closed 11 months ago

dklinges9 commented 5 years ago

I requested of the mangrove global synthesis team (the authors of Sanderman et al 2018 that are developers) to provide a linking key between depth-series data and core coordinates in this issue on their repository. Jon Sanderman sent me an excel book with most of the needed information, which is also stored on the Harvard dataverse here. However, I more recently realized that some cores (about 350 I believe) that were part of the synthesis, and represented in this dataset are not represented in the excel workbook/Harvard dataverse.

Not a major concerns for CCRCN activities at present, but this should be addressed eventually.