Smithsonian / CCN-Data-Library

The Coastal Carbon Network Data Library: An open-source database featuring carbon data from tidal wetlands around the world
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Hook Script Reviews #65

Closed jaxinewolfe closed 7 months ago

jaxinewolfe commented 3 years ago

Revisit all hook scripts in the Data Library. Make sure the scripts run properly, perform QAQC on the data, and update citations (see issue #64). Please note any problems that arise for particular hook scripts in this issue thread!

Standard quality checks for each hook script:

Please check off the primary studies you revisit so we can keep track of progress and avoid duplication of effort:

jaxinewolfe commented 3 years ago

General Notes:

Species Table Notes:

Hook Script Notes:

jaxinewolfe commented 3 years ago

Studies with duplicate core_ids: Sanborn_and_Coxson_2020 and Baustian_et_al_2020 share core_ids 398 and 399.

jaxinewolfe commented 3 years ago

Methods ID Assignment

Up to this point, when different methods were encountered within a study, we assigned different study IDs (ex. Keshta_et_al_2020_a, Keshta_et_al_2020_b) to the associated cores. Moving forward, we will be assigning a methods_id to distinguish unique methods used in studies. In this way, information collected using mixed methods will still be associated with a single study ID. This methods_id will be added to the database guidance for the following tables: methods, cores, and depthseries. The following studies have been identified as having mixed methods:

HolmquistJ commented 3 years ago

I think that methods_id should only be indexed in the methods and depth interval tables since one core can have more than one set of methods associated with it. For instance, in the Luk case where they split the core and did different analyses on the different halves or that other case where they had different LOI/BD sample volumes for higher and lower depth increments.

jaxinewolfe commented 1 year ago

We will be reinstating the testConditional() fxn in hook script QAQC. I've performed an initial sweep of the synthesis to compile a table which lists missing conditional attributes for each study. These hook scripts will be revisited for revisions (if possible/necessary).

jaxinewolfe commented 1 year ago

@BettsH @cheneyr Just putting this issue on your radar! Solidifying our standards, QAQC tests, and introducing a new database version last year led to revisiting all the hook scripts. This is where we've been tracking those revisions and documenting things to address in the future that will make this synthesis even more solid. For example, there are some studies that don't have methods tables yet, which is probably one of the top things I'd like to address (esp. since we want to create a workflow eventually which derives carbon stock etc. reliably from these data). I'm thinking we can do a hackathon in the near future to work through a bunch of these.