Smithsonian / CCN-Data-Library

The Coastal Carbon Network Data Library: An open-source database featuring carbon data from tidal wetlands around the world
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Taxa standardization #66

Open jaxinewolfe opened 3 years ago

jaxinewolfe commented 3 years ago

Create a taxonomic database from the existent species table. Once established, a post-processing workflow will be created to recognize when new taxa have been added to the synthesized species table and update the database.

jaxinewolfe commented 3 years ago

Workflow Notes

Taxonomic functions:

In Question:

jaxinewolfe commented 3 years ago

@HolmquistJ When I created the taxa database, I ran across four species that weren't recognized by any data source that and I can't identify them either. I'm thinking the genus or species are mismatched in the first three:

Do you have an idea of what these should be?

jaxinewolfe commented 1 year ago


HolmquistJ commented 7 months ago

I think if there is no match in the database, you need to let the author's classification go through.

jaxinewolfe commented 7 months ago

@HolmquistJ Here are the taxa in the species table which are still unresolved. Some of these classifications are more descriptive than taxa specific and might belong in the habitat or vegetation_class attributes instead. Most of the code_types are getting classified correctly in the habitat assignment script, which is good.

index study_id site_id species_code code_type
1 Vincent_and_Dionne_2023 Webhannet High Marsh description
2 Vincent_and_Dionne_2023 Drakes Island High Marsh description
3 Vincent_and_Dionne_2023 Little River High Marsh description
4 van_Ardenne_et_al_2018 Pt Carron unknown Genus species
5 Turck_2014 none none Genus
6 Turck_2014 text text Genus
7 Osland_et_al_2016 Grand_Bay unvegetated description
8 Osland_et_al_2016 Lower_Laguna_Madre unvegetated description
9 Osland_et_al_2016 Lower_Laguna_Madre Algal Mat description
10 Osland_et_al_2016 Mission_Aransas_Bay unvegetated description
11 Osland_et_al_2016 Mission_Aransas_Bay Algal Mat description
12 Osland_et_al_2016 San_Antonio_Bay unvegetated description
13 Osland_et_al_2016 Upper_Laguna_Madre unvegetated description
14 Osland_et_al_2016 Upper_Laguna_Madre Algal Mat description
15 Osland_et_al_2016 Upper_Laguna_Madre Wrack description
16 Osland_et_al_2016 Galveston_Bay unvegetated description
17 Osland_et_al_2016 Galveston_Bay Algal Mat description
18 Osland_et_al_2016 Weeks_Bay unvegetated description
19 Osland_et_al_2016 Lake_Pontchartrain unvegetated description
20 Osland_et_al_2016 Lake_Pontchartrain Wrack description
21 Osland_et_al_2016 Ten_Thousand_Islands unvegetated description
22 Osland_et_al_2016 Ten_Thousand_Islands submerged aquatic vegetation description
23 Osland_et_al_2016 Ten_Thousand_Islands Surface Algae description
24 Osland_et_al_2016 Tampa_Bay unvegetated description
25 Osland_et_al_2016 Tampa_Bay Wrack description
26 Nahlik_and_Fennessy_2016 NWCA11-2447 Forb spp. description
27 Lafratta_et_al_2018 False bay previously vegetated soils description
28 CRMS_Database NA Mix description
29 CRMS_Database NA Swamp description
30 Marba_unpublished Bolinao mixed description
31 Agawin_et_al_1996 Cape_Bolinao Thassia hemprichii Genus species