Smithsonian / CCN-Data-Library

The Coastal Carbon Network Data Library: An open-source database featuring carbon data from tidal wetlands around the world
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Data hook: Weston et al 2020 #74

Closed jaxinewolfe closed 1 year ago

jaxinewolfe commented 1 year ago

I have created a Weston et al 2020 folder with the recently published data and a blank template hook script titled Weston et al 2020 is in the data hooks folder (really it was published in 2022 but I suppose that will just be reflected in the data release citation).

@cheneyr @BettsH someone want to write a hook for this cool 😎 data?

cheneyr commented 1 year ago

Hi @jaxinewolfe! Just wanted to mention you here- if you have any notes or edits let me know!

jaxinewolfe commented 1 year ago

@cheneyr Great job! My only note is that radioisotope activity units are in microcuriesPerGram. Let's check in with Jim about the excess Pb210 model - the metadata.pdf says CIC was used for whole core accretion rate but then says that they compared between multiple methods to confirm that they agreed. In that case, I believe the age_depth_model reference would be CE.