Smithsonian / CCN-Data-Library

The Coastal Carbon Network Data Library: An open-source database featuring carbon data from tidal wetlands around the world
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Duplicate bibliography_id's from CIFOR dataset. #88

Closed HolmquistJ closed 8 months ago

HolmquistJ commented 8 months ago

Bukoski_2020_data’, ‘Bukoski_and_Elwin_2020_data’, ‘MacKenzie_et_al_2021_data’, ‘Sharma_et_al_2021_data’, ‘Trettin_et_al_2020_data

HolmquistJ commented 8 months ago

All of these bibliography id's refer to at least two references, a biomass dataset and a soil dataset. Let's edit the bib-id's to refer to an individual dataset ex. Bukoski_2020_data_biomass and Bukoski_2020_data_soil.