Smithsonian / CCN-Data-Library

The Coastal Carbon Network Data Library: An open-source database featuring carbon data from tidal wetlands around the world
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ReadMe file for dataset needs to match wha't available in costal carbon atlas. #89

Closed HolmquistJ closed 8 months ago

HolmquistJ commented 8 months ago

We need the following information to be with the library data itself, minus the references to the CCA. Here's the atlas doc currenlty. ->

This data synthesis was prepared by the COASTAL CARBON NETWORK (CCN) hosted at the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. These datasets were downloaded from the Coastal Carbon Atlas, a map interface which accesses the CCN's Data Library (

YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS A DATA USER: The data that you have downloaded is curated and provided by the CCN but is not solely attributable to the CCN. Each data source should be credited to the original data contributor(s) and should be cited appropriately in subsequent studies (see CCN_bibliography.bib). While we provide a bibliography file, you are responsible for accurately citing any sources you use. See the CCN Data Use Policy for more information. (

USES OF THE DATA: The downloaded data is provided as-is and are meant for academic use. There is no warranty associated with this download. The CCN data library is subject to amendment, correction, and addition. Please subscribe to our dataset email list, or email if you would like to be periodically notified of changes.

ACKNOWLEDGING THE CCN: The maintainers of the Coastal Carbon Library and Atlas do not require, nor expect, offers of co-authorship in exchange for serving this data, only when we make substantial new contributions to a work in line with CRediT taxonomy of roles ( for collaborations. If you benefit from downloading this synthesized data, please credit the CCN's Coastal Carbon Atlas ( and current version of the Data Library ( with the date downloaded, in your papers or derivative products. The following citation is recommended for the database:

Coastal Carbon Network (2023). Database: Coastal Carbon Library (Version 1.0.0). Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Dataset. Accessed (YYYY-MM-DD).

DOWNLOAD CONTENTS: This download is comprised of this README file, a .bib file containing BibTex formatted citations for studies included in the download, and several comma separated value (.csv) spreadsheets linked by common attributes study_id, site_id, and core_id. The data tables present in each download may vary depending on available information for the selected sediment profiles. No data values are represented using 'NA'. Please refer to the "CCN_data_dictionary.csv" file or our online CCN Database Structure for detail on attribute and variable definitions and descriptions (

CCN_methods: Contains descriptions of methods and materials used during collection and processing of samples in the field and lab. Included if present for the downloaded data.

CCN_sites: Contains positional and descriptive information associated with each sampling site.

CCN_cores: Core level data includes the positional, descriptive, and environmental information associated with each core.

CCN_depthseries: Contains information and measurements associated with sampling intervals along each core profile.

CCN_standardized_depthseries: Depthseries standardized to custom intervals, if provided by the user in the application.

CCN_impacts: Classification of anthropogenic or other impacts at the site or sampling location where data was collected. Included if present for the downloaded data.

CCN_species: Identification of dominant plant species present at locations of coring. Included if present for the downloaded data.

ABOUT THE CCN: The Coastal Carbon Network ( seeks to accelerate the pace of discovery in coastal wetland carbon science by providing our community with access to data, analysis tools, and synthesis opportunities. Our activities include bringing data libraries online, creating open source analysis and modeling tools, providing training and outreach opportunities, hosting data synthesis workshops targeted at strategically reducing uncertainty in coastal carbon science issues, and to create a community of practice. For more information please contact: Thank you for your interest in the Coastal Carbon Data Library and Atlas.