Smithsonian / ForestGEO

🌱🌳Web app helping a global network of scientists and forest research sites manage and validate data. Collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution's Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO), Microsoft, and CodeDay.
12 stars 4 forks source link

Demo Feedback --> 6.14.24 --> Pending Items #172

Open siddheshraze opened 3 months ago

siddheshraze commented 3 months ago
  1. Need to remove trailing zeros from measurementssummaryview datagrid display
  2. X,Y columns need to be changed to QX,QY
  3. Direct list of census completion instructions
  4. Measurementssummaryview should only show most up-to-date data
  5. Data filtration system needs to be tested --> should be applied to export all custom button (already in default export)
  6. Blurbs for all datagrids need to be reworked and clarified
  7. Dashboard guide replaced with numerical checklist of direct instructions on census completions
  8. Species auto correction system needs to be revised. If text in species column >= 2 words, the first word should be split out and moved to the genus column and all other text left in the species column.
  9. Post-Census Summary Statistics need to be integrated into new datagrid view
  10. Need to meet with Suzanne
siddheshraze commented 3 months ago
  1. Github API synchronization to allow users to record/report bugs --> create issues