Smithsonian / dpo-voyager

DPO Voyager - 3D Explorer and Tool Suite
Apache License 2.0
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move libs/** submodules into source tree #284

Open sdumetz opened 2 weeks ago

sdumetz commented 2 weeks ago


This PR contains a lot of changes I wish to do to try to clean up duplicate/unused/unpractical code but most of those are mostly independant from each-other. It should be seen primarily as a pool of ideas, of which any number can be merged.

I tried to make readable commit messages but just to give a quick summary :

sdumetz commented 1 week ago

Working on the follow-ups for, I want to update three.js to r0.160+, which breaks down quite a lot of things from the ff-* libs. I've gone through the changelog and am ready to do the changes once we agree on a course of action on this.

gjcope commented 1 week ago

Do you have an example of another project that is managing folders like I'm all for moving the used code over, but I think the /lib organization makes it more obvious that these aren't Voyager libraries. But might feel otherwise if you have an example.

sdumetz commented 1 week ago

It depends if you think of the ff-* code as voyager's code (as nobody else uses it), in this case, gltf-transform comes to my mind, with some (more or less) internal packages and an external cli package.

If you don't consider them "Voyager code", it is better to show this and keep them as "vendors" in a separate folder.

Either way it's OK for me, I'll edit the PR to cut off the folder rename if you think it better reflects the ownership of this code.

gjcope commented 1 week ago

I don't consider the ff-* code as Voyager's code. They were developed outside of the project and I believe are (or at least were) used by its developer in other projects.

sdumetz commented 1 week ago

I dropped the commit that moved everything to source/.

gjcope commented 1 day ago

Working on merging this in now. Some of it seems like preference, but I'm ok with it. Still need to do a little testing, but the main issue I'm seeing right now is that a lot of the library cleanup you did doesn't seem to be coming through when I pull this branch. Something to do with removing that last commit?

There are also a few ff-* file updates for this next release so not sure those will get merged in appropriately...

sdumetz commented 1 day ago

Some of it seems like preference

Glad if you like it, there is clearly some subjective choices in here.

The submodules removal uses exotic merges that should come through cleanly but they might not. I don't know how a reference change introduced in a previous commit would get handled.

Do you have a working branch where I could get a look ? You just merged this branch over rc43?

gjcope commented 1 day ago

I hadn't yet because I was unsure how to merge the other ff-* library updates I made, but I can just redo them. I will merge with rc-43 tomorrow and let you know.

gjcope commented 16 hours ago seems to somehow be missing the moving of the ff-* libs