SmokeMonsterPacks / Mega-Sg-Jailbreak

Custom "Jailbreak" firmware for the Analogue Mega Sg
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Master System - Alex Kidd in Miracle World, audio bug #24

Closed vanfanel closed 5 years ago

vanfanel commented 5 years ago

In Alex Kidd in MW, when you get to speak with the first henchman before the R/P/S battle, when text is displayed a high-pitch tone is left active after the text is printed.

This does not happen on real hw (I know the game very well as this was included in every Master System II here in europe).

Using default audio settings.

GreatHierophant commented 5 years ago

Yes, the tone is not present on my Model 1 Genesis in SMS mode when you face the guy who makes you play the rock, paper, scissors battle.

frederic-mahe commented 5 years ago

is the audio bug present when using an original cartridge with the Mega Sg? (assuming you've tested with a ROM and an Everdrive so far)

vanfanel commented 5 years ago

@frederic-mahe : I dont have a phisical cartidge for it. It is included on my Master System ROM memory. I run it on the MegaSG via JB.

@GreatHierophant : Do you have a phisical cartidge to test?

GreatHierophant commented 5 years ago

No, but ironically the tone is not present on the earlier incarnation of this core found on the Nt Mini. It's clearly a bug in the Mega Sg.

skooterblog commented 5 years ago

Here is the bug on video: running the BIOS version through the jailbreak firmware.

If I recall correctly, the bug does not exist on my real Master System II (Tec Toy), which has this BIOS. It also does not exist on my real Sega Genesis running the hacked BIOS through Mega Everdrive.

BooBerry commented 5 years ago

According to the changelog, this should be fixed in the official 4.5 firmware now.

frederic-mahe commented 5 years ago

@vanfanel could you please confirm this is fixed in JBv7.5?

GreatHierophant commented 5 years ago

I can confirm that it is fixed.