SmokeMonsterPacks / Nt-Mini-Noir-Jailbreak

Custom "Jailbreak" firmware for the Analogue Nt Mini V2 "Noir"
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The Legend of Zelda Vertical Dotted Lines #124

Closed codyjarvis closed 1 year ago

codyjarvis commented 3 years ago

Vertical dotted lines appear on screen when playing two separate copies of The Legend of Zelda. Firmware: Nt-Mini-Noir-Jailbreak v6.6 Game: The Legend of Zelda - NES-ZL-0 PRG Issue: Vertical dotted lines.

Tests/attempted fixes: Cleaned both carts and tested continuity. Visually everything looks great. Tested both carts on original hardware with no issues. Dumped roms using copy nes. Roms looked great - no vertical dotted lines. Flashed original firmware to Nt-Mini. Vertical lines no longer appear.

codyjarvis commented 3 years ago

Also attempted with dejitter both on and off in case the issue was related to issue #95

PizzaCube commented 3 years ago

my gold and grey cart does not have this issue so i am not sure why yours does.

brym103 commented 3 years ago

I am having what may be a similar issue with my Rygar cart. I get the vertical dotted lines despite extensive cleaning. Using Copynes Mini, I am able to dump the cart and the rom plays fine with no visual glitches. The rom (after stripping the header) also matches the md5 checksum of the known good Rygar (USA) (Rev1) dump.

codyjarvis commented 3 years ago

@brym103 do the vertical lines disappear on the stock firmware? Mine do

brym103 commented 3 years ago

@brym103 do the vertical lines disappear on the stock firmware? Mine do

Just tested -- no, I get the same issue when I flash back to the stock version 1.2 firmware.

brym103 commented 3 years ago

Update - I do NOT get the issue when I reverted to the stock version 1.1 firmware. The cart plays perfectly on version 1.1. I'm going to post this as a separate issue, but note that it may be a similar issue as this one.

tjanas commented 3 years ago

Have you contacted Analogue directly and via Twitter? Something like this should be brought to their attention.

brym103 commented 3 years ago

Have you contacted Analogue directly and via Twitter? Something like this should be brought to their attention.

I have not. I was under the impression that posting issues here was the best way for the right people at Analogue to see them. Is that not the case?

tjanas commented 3 years ago

Perhaps the jailbreaker looks here from time to time, but this is not official by any means. Problems with official firmware and carts should definitely be brought to the attention of Analogue on Twitter, especially since it would pertain to their public relations and claims of perfection. Perhaps other users on Twitter with these issues could also chime in.

tjanas commented 3 years ago

I think bringing it up on Twitter would help light a fire under Analogue's support teams and help direct their priorities to fixing issues like these (they may be unaware of all of these issues).

brym103 commented 3 years ago

Fair enough; I'll send a tweet their way.

whitezombie2000 commented 2 years ago

I cannot reproduce this issue with a real cartridge. I tested a gold copy of Zelda on the 6.6 JB and 1.2 firmware. Plays fine for me and so does the dumped ROM. It should be noted that the back of my cart says REV A.

tjanas commented 2 years ago

I’m confused why many people have experienced this issue while others have not with JB6.6. I don’t recall these issues reported with JB6.5. Are we sure it should be closed?

whitezombie2000 commented 2 years ago

Here's my cart of Zelda. I can't believe that battery still works. I need to replace that soon!


tjanas commented 2 years ago

My battery (and save file) on my Zelda 1 cart from 30+ years ago are still working too. :) Those Maxell batteries were great. Looking at yours, you can see the "8837" shows it was produced in the 37th week (September) of the year 1988.

cizzymac commented 1 year ago

Leaving a comment here to advise that I receive the same issue with vertical dotted lines with my Everdrive N8 Rev 1.4, as well as my official Metroid Rev A cart, on JB 6.6. Flashed my Noir to official firmware 1.2 and get the same issue. Flashed to 1.1 and the lines are gone. Reflashed Noir with JB 6.6 without disturbing my seated Everdrive cart and the vertical dotted lines have returned. This is definitely a firmware issue causing this problem.

tjanas commented 1 year ago

@cizzymac Please contact Analogue support to encourage them to release an update, and it wouldn’t hurt to let them know on Twitter too.

tjanas commented 1 year ago

Have you tried flashing to JB 6.5? That seems to be the best fw at this point.

cizzymac commented 1 year ago

@tjanas I did reach out to Analogue both via Twitter and via their support email on their website. It will be a shame to lose out on the fixes provided on 6.6, but I'll give 6.5 a shot today and see how it goes. Thanks much for your prompt response!

tjanas commented 1 year ago

@cizzymac @codyjarvis please re-test your cartridges with the latest official firmware update released today

cizzymac commented 1 year ago

@tjanas I can confirm the issue is resolved with the new official firmware on my end.

whitezombie2000 commented 1 year ago

@tjanas Should this be closed yet? The OP has not confirmed if their copy of Zelda is working. @cizzymac Never reported an issue with Zelda. Or can @cizzymac confirm that Zelda was an issue before and is working now.

tjanas commented 1 year ago

@codyjarvis could you test please?

cizzymac commented 1 year ago

@whitezombie2000 My issue was with Everdrive N8 1.3 and Metroid. I do not have a LoZ cart to test for you unfortunately.

codyjarvis commented 1 year ago

I can load the new firmware and test this weekend.

whitezombie2000 commented 1 year ago

@codyjarvis How did the test go?