SmokeMonsterPacks / Nt-Mini-Noir-Jailbreak

Custom "Jailbreak" firmware for the Analogue Nt Mini V2 "Noir"
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SN30 Bluetooth using NES retro receiver incorrectly mapped?? #130

Closed 1kimota closed 3 years ago

1kimota commented 3 years ago

As stated in title I am using a Bluetooth SN30 with retro receiver but is still mapped C button to select. Anyone have a fix or work around to at least not have C button mapped to select?

PizzaCube commented 3 years ago

the receiver seems to have a usb port for firmware updates try that. i do not own that one but i have retrobit sega controllers that you can upgrade the firmware and they add new button mappings.

1kimota commented 3 years ago

I tried a few different firmware updates and the Analogue firmware for the mini(not NT Noir). Thanks for help maybe they will update firmware for Noir too.

eltees commented 3 years ago

You need to flash the retro receiver with the custom analogue firmware for the more advanced button remapping. This not only handles the select issue for 4 face button controllers, but also taps the input + 2 controller to add in 4 more buttons to give full 6 button input (i.e. if you are using the custom firmware retro receiver on player 1, you can see the additional 4 buttons map through to player 3's start/select/a/b in the input viewer tool, and they will then be used to fill out c/x/y/z in the genesis core.

Here's the link to that custom build:

The downside here is the base firmware variant being used from 8bitdo as the source for this custom remap is now relatively old and does not have full compatibility with all of the latest controllers.

I had some hope the 8bitdo pro2's advanced remapping would help here and allow at least the ability to change the face button ordering to include select as the right hand button so you could do Y->A, B, A->Select at least, but it unfortunately looks like you can remap every possible input to every possible input but start and select so unfortunately that may not be viable unless the 8bitdo ultimate software is updated to allow remaps to select button input.

Also, clearly without that special custom build you won't be able to get full 6 face button input working at all no matter what controller remapping you try with the pro2, since it needs to use the alternate player inputs to make that happen and thats not something the default 8bitdo firmware will ever be capable of.

1kimota commented 3 years ago

Yeah I tried the firmware and it states not for use with Noir, when using that firmware the receiver does not connect to SN30 bluetooth no matter what 8bitdo firmware I roll back to(I tried all available) Thank you for your assistance but I think I have to wait for an Analogue Mini NT Noir custom firmware update.

eltees commented 3 years ago

I'm using the custom firmware with a retro receiver on my noir, but on an original F30 pro pad. I think the issue you may be running in to is not a problem with the noir, but that your pad may be newer than the custom firmware can recognize (anything made after ~2018ish may have issues).

You could try the different bluetooth modes on the pad and try re-pairing it with each. I have found it to work best with the d-input mode, but YMMV.

1kimota commented 3 years ago

I will def try that! And thanks again for your help!