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Flare (Hunter's ability) #226

Open henhouse opened 8 years ago

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original report by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

At the moment Flare ability has at least couple of bugs.

First of all Flare debuff should provide you immunity to stealth and invisibility effects. This means that if you cast stealth while being afflicted by the flare - your stealth ability should go on cooldown and your combat log should say: you're immune to stealth. Currently on our server you can walk in inside flare aoe, use stealth (when you already afflicted by the flare debuff) and do whatever you want, you won't get unstealthed until flare debuff won't reaffect you again (you should walk out of flare aoe and comeback to get unstealthed). Also if you use Vanish ability with flare debuff - you should get same "immune to stealth" message, vanish buff should instantly dissipate from you and root / snare effects should be dispelled from you. At the moment if you use vanish on flare - you get: "Paniz's Vanish failed. (You can't do that yet)" message, root / snare effects dispels from you, but you remain stealthed.

The second problem with Flare is time that it takes to "dispel" stealth buff. At the moment you probably have a whole second (maybe a little bit less, but still, this time is incredibly long) to use your abilities that requires stealth after you got in the flare aoe. Flare should unstealth you instantly. Probably we have some delay before you actually got afflicted by flare debuff. You should be afflicted by flare debuff instantly as you walk / teleport in flare aoe.

To sum up: stealth immunity and time to unstealth.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Is it possible that flare has ticking effect like totems? I always thougt it was the reason why rogues were able to step/cs in it.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

No, flare reveals aoe constantly (no tics) and provides stealth immunity debuff. That's why when you use stealth / vanish while being afflicted by flare - you got nothing but immune message, cooldown and target dropped from you (vanish also dispels root / snare; actually i'm not even 100% sure about target part). It happens, sometimes you can hit shs-cs, probably when you have very big delay and thus flare debuff afflicts you a moment later, but it's still nearly impossible. You can see in some rogue movies how they trying to do it but most of attempts still ends in nothing.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

okay, even target doesn't fall from you but the combat falls. guys on CC linked this video, 6:35

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Simon Edänge (Bitbucket: 557058:2940ec00-3709-491b-8e75-7213fd7098d1, GitHub: Edaenge).

I cant use stealth when I walk into a flare AoE. Says "You cant do that yet"

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

made this just nowWoWScrnShot_012116_172459.jpg

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Simon Edänge (Bitbucket: 557058:2940ec00-3709-491b-8e75-7213fd7098d1, GitHub: Edaenge).

Did the hunter cast [Readiness] ? And use two flares?

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

no, not before this flare on the screenshot, but he does have it in talents

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Simon Edänge (Bitbucket: 557058:2940ec00-3709-491b-8e75-7213fd7098d1, GitHub: Edaenge).

I cannot recreate. Only bugs when I shoot two flares. You can stealth in the second flare.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

i'll try drop all talents and with different characters also

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

okay, same characters, hunter has no talents at all: WoWScrnShot_012116_191546.jpg

different characters, hunter has no Readiness: WoWScrnShot_012116_191902.jpg

edit: rogue's POW also WoWScrnShot_012116_191853.jpg

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Simon Edänge (Bitbucket: 557058:2940ec00-3709-491b-8e75-7213fd7098d1, GitHub: Edaenge).

I cant recreate. I think it is because I have an updated version of the server. I made some changes to it, guess i fixed it without knowing.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

okay, i'll try it again after server restart

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Simon Edänge (Bitbucket: 557058:2940ec00-3709-491b-8e75-7213fd7098d1, GitHub: Edaenge).

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

Lets discuss some more. Is it even allowed to cast two flares in TBC?

Yes, if you have Readiness

When you cast stealth inside flare, u should receive CD?

Your stealth / vanish goes on cooldown, you get immune message. You can see what happens when you use vanish in flare here:

okay, even target doesn't fall from you but the combat falls. guys on CC linked this video, 6:35

As for

Does it apply to all spells that you become immune from (positive spells)

it depends. Some spells cannot be casted if you're immune to it. For example mage's Ice Block when you are afflicted by the Hypothermia debuff or paladin's Divine Shield when you're afflicted by Forbearance debuff. You're immune to cast those spells and thus you don't recive any cooldown.

But for example if you cast mage's Counterspell in paladin when he's protected with Divine Shield - you can cast it, you'll recive a cooldown but it won't do anything and you'll recive immune message in combat log.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Simon Edänge (Bitbucket: 557058:2940ec00-3709-491b-8e75-7213fd7098d1, GitHub: Edaenge).

Will it cost energy do you think, if you are immune?

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

yes, it will cost you energy / mana, etc.

edit: i mean if you can cast it. if you spam your ice block when you afflicted by Hypothermia - it won't cost you anythin

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

AFAIK, "immune" spells working correctly on our server, but i never really tested it that much, there might be some minor bugs with druid's Cyclone, for example. If you want - i can test it more.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Simon Edänge (Bitbucket: 557058:2940ec00-3709-491b-8e75-7213fd7098d1, GitHub: Edaenge).

I tried to fix Cooldown to be applied. It worked, but the stealth button icon doesn't refresh and don't give any feedback of the cooldown. Tried for a long time to get that working, but failed. So for now, I skip that fix.

However, I managed to fix these:

The time issue I cannot fix however. You have to accept there is a delay due to lag, or other various reasons. Anything you would like to add?

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

The time issue I cannot fix however. You have to accept there is a delay due to lag, or other various reasons.

That's the worst part :( Ground-target-AoE should not have this type of serverside delay. They should only have delay till they "hit the ground" but when ground already "affected" - there should not be any delay for the effect.

Anything you would like to add?

Probably no, thanks, i'll test flare after restart.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Simon Edänge (Bitbucket: 557058:2940ec00-3709-491b-8e75-7213fd7098d1, GitHub: Edaenge).

Wont be applied after next restart unfortunately. There is some stuff I gotta check, then I will ask hen to shoot out new updates. Will add changelog so you can see, when we update. Ty for the report btw. You always give me tricky bugs lol, but it is good you spot them.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

Okay, now you can't use stealth while under flare effect. It's not exactly how it should be but it's much-much better than it was before. But i accidentally found one more bug with flare. It has ~12 yd radius instead of 10 yd. I tested some other GTAoE spells (Volley and mage's Blizzard) but those working correctly so the problem is only with Flare. Dunno if it was the case even before last restart. WoWScrnShot_012716_012013.jpg WoWScrnShot_012716_012016.jpg

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

Will it cost energy do you think, if you are immune?

I found some more info about this question (CC bugtracker is increadibly usefull sometimes): Basicly, they linked some videos that proves that special attacks still cost energy / rage when you hit immune target, but it cost less. Pretty much just like when ability misses (you loose something like 5 energy instead of 35). But the finishing moves (like Eviscerate) still cost full energy.

edit: Okay, finishing moves also should cost full energy when you miss. So when your target immune it should cost you the same amount of energy / rage as when you miss with your ability.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

At the moment finishing moves cost just 1-2 points of energy when they fail to hit instead of full cost.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Simon Edänge (Bitbucket: 557058:2940ec00-3709-491b-8e75-7213fd7098d1, GitHub: Edaenge).

I updated so stealth will get CD when used.

Test it out

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

Thanks! And what about this part?

i accidentally found one more bug with flare. It has ~12 yd radius instead of 10 yd. I tested some other GTAoE spells (Volley and mage's Blizzard) but those working correctly so the problem is only with Flare.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

Okay, cooldown works perfect now. Now it's 2 new very minor bugs and 1 old:

  1. Both Vanish and Stealth casted on the flare drops target and pet's aggro from you. AFAIK they shouldn't but it's not a big deal i think.

  2. Visual bug, if you cast Stealth or Vanish on flare - everyone will see Stealth buff and your character will be transparent until you won't stealth "in normal way" (without flare debuff). It's just a visual for everyone except the rogue himself, you can't use any abilities that requires Stealth. WoWScrnShot_020216_140326.jpg

  3. And higher AoE radius for Flare is still the case, it's ~12yd instead of 10 (this is bugged only for Flare, you can see on screenshots in previous posts, that debuff afflicts your target even out of AoE circle).

P.S.: I'll open new report about energy cost for finishing moves when they fail to hit.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

I guess as of last restart you can stealth on flare again (but it will destealth you after short delay). During that delay you can even use opener or any ability that requires stealth. Not 100% sure since when that happens again, but i noticed that only yesterday i guess.