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Warlock pet's stats #275

Open henhouse opened 8 years ago

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original report by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

On our server pets have wrong base stats. I found only some pet's stats but will try to find more.

Felhunter: (All the felhunter stats through its levels taken using a human warlock player.). On our server has too much Armor, Stamina, Intelect, AP and thus has too high base damage. The most critical are armor, stamina and AP. 6.6k+ armor instead of 4.4k. WoWScrnShot_031216_170440.jpg

Imp: (NOTE: Some of the below values are known to be inaccurate (larger then actual). This has been confirmed in game. For an example, compare the listed Spirit for levels 56, 60, and 70.). On our server has too much int, a bit more stamina, too much AP but too low base damage. WoWScrnShot_031216_171732.jpg

Succubus: i haven't found any base stats for it but i found one movie that proves on our server succubus has incredibly too much hp and mana (this is very critical because of the Seduction mana cost). - we can't see warlock's stats but we know he has destro s3 set and we can see his HP and Mana. We also know his talent build (he has 5/5 Demonic Embrace talent and no Fel Intelect talent; =+15% stamina only). Talent Build1.jpg and here we can see succubus HP and mana pool; it's only 4179 HP and 3885 mana (it's including +stats from warlock's items). Succu Stats1.jpg

On our server succubus has 4580 HP and 4070 mana without any items or talents: WoWScrnShot_031216_180553.jpg

If i'll equip pretty much same items as warlock in the video has (my items have probably different gems; i have more SPD and hit but a bit less HP, crit and resil and the same mana) - i'll get such stats for succubus: WoWScrnShot_031216_183024.jpg

So it's 6.7k HP instead of ~4.1k and 5355 mana instead of ~3.8k.

He also mentioned that Seduction mana cost is 24% of pet's base mana and it's 708 on lvl 70. A little bit of math magics and we got base succubus mana pool (before any stats): 708 / 0.24 = 2950. On our server Seduction mana cost is 831 mana. Means on our server succubus base mana is: 831 / 0.24 = 3462.5. Probably on our server succubus has also too much base Int.

P.S.: can't find any info about other warlocks pets but still will look for it. Maybe someone can join to this researches and help with it :D

edit: not sure about other pet's base HP (not those that he got from stamina) since there are no info about it on wowwiki but it's probably bugged too coz my full s3 geared warlock has less than 13k hp (12730) but my felhunter has 7.1k+ hp. I'm pretty sure it's bugged and not just because of those base 20 stamina that he should not have.

henhouse commented 8 years ago

You doin an excellent job mate

henhouse commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

hehe, thanks) too bad Simon is busy nowadays and can't work on fixes :(

henhouse commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Henry Henderson (Bitbucket: 557058:cda5a390-9dd1-4789-8403-14e361a3b878, GitHub: Henhouse).

Hi there,

We have brought a lot of these values down, but they may still be slightly higher. Could you check when you have a moment?

henhouse commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

wow, fixes delivered, thx :) will check it after restart.

henhouse commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Henry Henderson (Bitbucket: 557058:cda5a390-9dd1-4789-8403-14e361a3b878, GitHub: Henhouse).

They're in currently.

henhouse commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

@henhouse !Quick summary is in the end of the post.

I checked all pets and they all have quite accurate numbers for base stats except couple of things. First of all, Voidwalker has 190 Spirit instead of 122. BTW i also found base stats spreadsheets for Succubus, Voidwalker and Felguard but you probably already seen those. One important note: all numbers in those spreadsheets already including +stats from human warlock with all items taken off and without any talents. That means that we should decrease base stamina by 22 and intellect by 39 for all warlock pets.

The next problem is pet's base attack power and damage. This part is wrong for all pets. All pets have too much base attack power. Voidwalker, Succubus, Felhunter and Felguard have 391 AP instead of 286 that they should have. Imp has 212AP, should have 135AP. Damage stat in those spreadsheets already including that base AP and that means we should subtract base AP part to get base damage. For Felhunter base damage should be:

Base_Dmg = Dmg_per_hit - AP_Dmg

AP_Dmg = DPS * Attack_Speed

DPS = AP / 14

Attack speed for all pets = 2.0

Dmg_spread = (Highest_dmg - Lowest_dmg) / 2 = (123 - 92) / 2 = 15.5

Base_Dmg = ([92 + 123] / 2) - ([286 / 14] * 2.0) = 107.5 - 40.8 = 66.7 ± Dmg_spread

Thus we get that base damage for Felhunter before any stats should be 51-82. Same math for all other pets so i'll just give numbers: Succubus 87-128, Imp 119-155. Unfortunately, there are no info about lvl70 Voidwalker's damage but if we compare his damage @lvl50 and lvl42 with Felhunter's damage at same lvls than we can notice that Voidwalker has a bit less damage and pretty much same spread. I suggest to make Voidwalker's base damage something like 46-77 or just the same as Felhunter if you prefer so.

Felguard's stats given with Master Demonologist, Demonic Knowledge and Unholy Power talents. Master Demonologist gives Felguard +37 AP (that's why spreadsheet says 323AP and not 286AP), Demonic Knowledge and Unholy Power gives +25% to overall damage output, other calculations are the same as for other pets. Felguards base damage should be 94-150. ATM on our server Felguard's damage is much higher than it should be!

Quick summary: pretty much the bolded parts of this post. Decrease base stamina by 22 and intellect by 39 for all pets; decrease Voidwalker's Spirit from 190 to 122; Base AP for all pets except Imp should be 286, Imp's base AP is 135; Base damages for pets should be:

  1. Imp 119-155
  2. Succubus 87-128
  3. Felguard 94-150
  4. Felhunter 51-82
  5. Voidwalker = no info, my suggestion is 46-77

P.S.: I will add some more info about succubus manapool but probably only tommorow. You decreased it's base manapool but that leads to decreased Seduction manacost also.

henhouse commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Darken_Ral (Bitbucket: 557058:31e8645c-27f9-45cb-b8e2-a7b9b61d07dc, ).

Ok, so about succubus manapool and why it's so critical. It determines how many times succubus can use her Seduction spell during one fight. Her base manapool also determines Seduction manacost. For lvl70 warlock Seduction manacost is 708 (as mentioned in the guide movie i used in the first post) and thus we know that succubus base manapool should be 708 / 0.24 = 2950 mana. Experimentally i foundout that warlock's intellect in that movie is 423 and thus succubus intellect is 220±1 intellect (Base succubus intellect + 0.3*Warlock's intellect). Overall succubus mana is 3885 (this numbers allow us to fix intellect_to_mana formula for succubus if we need it). With this numbers we can say that on retail succubus could use Seduction 5 times during one fight and still had some mana (3885 / 708 = 5.49). At the moment on our server Seduction manacost is 577 and thus her base manapool is 577 / 0.24 = 2404 and her overall mana is 4295 (warlock's intellect is 422 and succubus intellect is 259). Thus on our server succubus can use Seduction spell at least 7 times during one fight.

There are 2 ways to fix this:

The first way is to do everything properly, as it should be. Increase succubus base manapool to 2950 mana (this will also fix Seduction manacost) but after that intellect_to_mana formula for succubus probably will require some tweaking.

The second way is to make Seduction manacost not dependinding on base manapool, just constant 708 mana (since all players on our server are lvl70 - this change won't affect low lvls in a bad way :) ) and then decrease her base manapool by 600 mana. This will give us pretty good numbers for succubus overall mana and Seduction manacost will be exactly as it should be.

P.S.: I'll reopen Water Elemental thread later today since i found all needed info about it.