Smoria / AM43-WiFi

AM43 blinds engine to WiFi MQTT conversion
MIT License
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Question: limit set #3

Open roblomq opened 2 years ago

roblomq commented 2 years ago

As the original ble control is quite unstable I'm very interested in this modification. I only have a question, as the original app didn't work anymore, how do I set the up and down limits?

Also I'm interested if anyone know why my solar panel isn't working. I've measured the voltage at the plug and the panel is working but it doesn't charge the battery.

Smoria commented 2 years ago

I just used this instruction to set limits without app. image

Actually there is already decoded commands in code to do it programmatically, but I have no time to pass it to ESP-Home and test it. So if You have any experience in C++ You could do it by yourself.

The only issue for now is that sometimes control boards just stops responding to UART, so we need to trigger reset pin, which is described in README and after reboot motor just starts moving to upper position without any reason.