Smoria / AM43-WiFi

AM43 blinds engine to WiFi MQTT conversion
MIT License
17 stars 4 forks source link

webinterface #4

Open roblomq opened 1 year ago

roblomq commented 1 year ago

I'm currently experimenting with this AM43-WiFi on a ESP-12F. I think the programming of the ESPhome version worked and it looks like it is connected to my home network but I (ignore my ignorance) expected some sort of web interface. But when I browse to the assigned IP I get a connection refused error. I use the advanced IP scanner as a tool to find the right IP and this is showing a device called "livingroom_blinds" so it must be the right IP.

Smoria commented 1 year ago

It has no web interface in default config, you can use it only as HomeAssistant integration.

If you want to use some sort of web interface, you must implement it by yourself in yaml config. Follow ESPHome Web Server Component reference to implement web interface

roblomq commented 1 year ago

That looks a bit too complicated for me. What I want is that i'm able to control the modified AM43 with my Domoticz setup. I have MQTT working there (also HA autodiscovery) but I have no clue in how to create a device in Domoticz that is controlling the AM43. Can someone help me with this by giving some direction in where to start?