Smoria / AM43-WiFi

AM43 blinds engine to WiFi MQTT conversion
MIT License
17 stars 4 forks source link

wemos d1 mini or other esp8266 board #5

Open loons1k opened 9 months ago

loons1k commented 9 months ago

Thank you for the project. I had a wemos d1 mini at hand, according to your instructions, I “blowed off” (with a rose alloy) the ble chip, soldered the wires and directly connected it to the wemos d1 mini, just swapped the RX and TX positions. Everything works great (esphome), except for the free space inside, I had to remove the battery completely, but the wifi chip is far from ble, in any case it will work on constant power. Thanks again for the project, maybe my path will be a little easier for beginners.