Smudgge / Leaf

Velocity minecraft proxy plugin.
Apache License 2.0
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Add toggle for "chat" type. #110

Open NoltoxGit opened 1 month ago

NoltoxGit commented 1 month ago

Hello, Is it possible to add a command for toggle staffchat mode please ?

For example i've this:

  type: "chat"
  enabled: true
  name: "staffchat"
  aliases: [ "sc" ]
  permission: "leaf.staffchat"
  format: "&8[&#e64545&l{server_formatted}&8]&r &6<player>&r &7» &#73a1e6>%message%"

And it's possible to add a /sctoggle command in this section which will have the option of forcing writing in this chat or not.

Smudgge commented 1 month ago

I have tried to do this before, but as of 1.20 ish velocity didn't let me remove/cancel message events. However, I can have a look into again at some point 👍