Smug246 / Luna-Grabber

The best discord token grabber made in python
MIT License
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use pyvenv so u dont pack everything you've downloaded with pip #39

Closed KDot227 closed 1 year ago

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

use pyvenv so that doesn't happen + controlled environment and easier to use sometimes

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

This will also make the exe size smaller in general

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

also with this "python -m PyInstaller --onefile --noconsole -i NONE --distpath ./ .\{filename}.py" Don't use -i NONE since you'll get more detections also have the pyinstaller bootloader ( build on their pc so you get waaaay less detections. On top of that don't use noconsole since that will give it more detections have the console hide itself in the file.

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

on top of that if u want to change the icon to absolutely nothing u can go to where the image is in the src and just replace it (im 90% sure this will work)

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

but besides that W grabber

Smug246 commented 1 year ago

good suggestions. I'll look into to see if there true/work

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

they all true but maybe not changing the icon by replacing the existing one. Everything else is a fact tho

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

on timmy being fat

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Suggestion: Don't care much about reducing detection if you want to keep your open source project active, it will only hold you back.

Smug246 commented 1 year ago

Suggestion: Don't care much about reducing detection if you want to keep your open source project active, it will only hold you back.

would u like to elaborate. i don't get how how making it undetectable would make my project less active. if anything it would be more attractive to use.

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Even if you make it undetectable, people will use it and it will eventually get a lot of detections.

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

it will not stay undetected forever you know

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

I'd rather suggest you to focus on reducing size.

Smug246 commented 1 year ago

i see where your coming from now. tbh i'm doing both. but a logger with too many detections is just useless so it will still be a focus

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

i see where your coming from now. tbh i'm doing both. but a logger with too many detections is just useless so it will still be a focus

Ok if you think so

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

Even if you make it undetectable, people will use it and it will eventually get a lot of detections.

when everyone is building their own unique bootloader it doesn't use the preinstalled one that comes with the pyinstaller pip package which greatly reduces the detections. All around its a good thing to add and some other grabbers even use this method.

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Building bootloader require c compiler like mingw or msvc, I don't think everyone must have one and it would be an overhead to download.

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

I personally have given pyinstaller with precompiled bootloader with my grabber

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

Building bootloader require c compiler like mingw or msvc, I don't think everyone must have one and it would be an overhead to download.

It's not very hard to download one onto their computer and have it compile the code

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

I personally have given pyinstaller with precompiled bootloader with my grabber

Ok? It's still bad lmao

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Building bootloader require c compiler like mingw or msvc, I don't think everyone must have one and it would be an overhead to download.

It's not very hard to download one onto their computer and have it compile the code

Its ok if you want, I am not forcing anyone. I just think its an overhead to do so.

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

I personally have given pyinstaller with precompiled bootloader with my grabber

Ok? It's still bad lmao

What is the "It"?

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

I personally have given pyinstaller with precompiled bootloader with my grabber

Ok? It's still bad lmao

What is the "It"?

preinstalled pyinstaller bootloader. Smug can do whatever he wants I'm just giving him suggestions on how to make it generally less detected. With regular pyinstaller if u compile a hello world py file it's still going to get something like 17 detections on virus total. If you use bootloader u can get about 9 if you're lucky. That is 8 fewer detections (basically half). Kids are still dumb and will run whatever they're sent I'm just saying it's better to have a lower detection if he has the power to do it.

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

So do I but I don't think anything is wrong with providing a precompiled bootloader. My compiled pyinstaller (which is used many times with the grabber) still gives less than 5 detection (sometimes 0) for normal programs compiled on my pc. But the same doesn't always happen when I compile the same program with same pyinstaller on another PC. I guess the detectiond are also based on the hardware that they are compiled in.

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

So do I but I don't think anything is wrong with providing a precompiled bootloader. My compiled pyinstaller (which is used many times with the grabber) still gives less than 5 detection (sometimes 0) for normal programs compiled on my pc. But the same doesn't always happen when I compile the same program with same pyinstaller on another PC. I guess the detectiond are also based on the hardware that they are compiled in.

I just looked and say that your using the actual pyinstaller off the GitHub. U might be 100% right and it might be better than the pip package but from what I know, the bootloader is the best if you don't want false detections.

Smug246 commented 1 year ago

gonna close this because i noted all stuff u said kdot