Closed CharlesJB closed 4 years ago
This issue seems to be very similar to #48.
Hi, I just merged #50, see if this solves your issues.
I tested the changes from #50 and I now I am getting a similar error but with 'wildcards' instead of 'params':
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jolybeau/.config/snakemake/slurm/", line 52, in <module>
sbatch_options = slurm_utils.format_values(sbatch_options, job_properties)
File "/home/jolybeau/.config/snakemake/slurm/", line 98, in format_values
formatted[key] = format_wildcards(value, job_properties)
File "/home/jolybeau/.config/snakemake/slurm/", line 72, in format_wildcards
job._format_wildcards = Wildcards(fromdict=job_properties['wildcards'])
KeyError: 'wildcards'
Yes, I just added a test for group jobs and noticed the same issue; in addition there was another property ('rule') that was undefined. There is an open PR (#58) that fixes this issue which I hope to merge shortly.
I got the similar error in SGE system.
My snakemake version is 6.10.0
I write a minimal test as following:
configfile: "config_test/config.yaml"
rule all:
def get_mem_mb(wildcards, attempt, basic_mem):
if attempt != 1:
attempt = attempt * attempt
return attempt * basic_mem
def get_threads(wildcards, attempt, threads):
return attempt * threads
rule test:
os.path.join(config['benchmarkdir'], "{sample}.benchmark.tsv")
group: "test"
"sleep 5s && echo {input} > {output}"
rule test2:
threads: 2
group: "test"
"sleep 5s && echo {input} > {output}"
my profile is as following:
import os
import re
import math
import argparse
import subprocess
# use warnings.warn() rather than print() to output info in this script
# because snakemake expects the jobid to be the only output
import warnings
import snakemake
from snakemake import io
from snakemake.utils import read_job_properties
DEFAULT_JOB_NAME = "snakemake_job"
CLUSTER_CONFIG = "sge.yaml"
# SGE syntax for options is `-option [value]` and for resources is `-l name=value`
# we therefore distinguish the two in this script to make it easier to handle.
# We also define some aliases for options and resources so that the rules can
# be more expressive than a list of cryptic SGE resources.
# We additionally pickup a list of environment modules which will be loaded in the
# jobscript
"binding": ("binding",),
"cwd" : ("cwd",),
"e" : ("e", "error"),
"hard" : ("hard",),
"j" : ("j", "join"),
"m" : ("m", "mail_options"),
"M" : ("M", "email"),
"notify" : ("notify",),
"now" : ("now",),
"N" : ("N", "name"),
"o" : ("o", "output"),
"P" : ("P", "project"),
"p" : ("p", "priority"),
"pe" : ("pe", "threads", "parallel_environment"),
"pty" : ("pty",),
"q" : ("q", "queue"),
"R" : ("R", "reservation"),
"r" : ("r", "rerun"),
"soft" : ("soft",),
"v" : ("v", "variable"),
"V" : ("V", "export_env"),
"wd" : ("wd",)
# default queue resources
"qname" : ("qname",),
"hostname" : ("hostname",),
# "notify" -- conflicts with OPTION_MAPPING
"calendar" : ("calendar",),
"min_cpu_interval" : ("min_cpu_interval",),
#"tmpdir" : ("tmpdir",), not in genecast qsub
"seq_no" : ("seq_no",),
"s_rt" : ("s_rt", "soft_runtime", "soft_walltime"),
"h_rt" : ("h_rt", "time", "runtime", "walltime"),
"s_cpu" : ("s_cpu", "soft_cpu"),
"h_cpu" : ("h_cpu", "cpu"),
"s_data" : ("s_data", "soft_data"),
"h_data" : ("h_data", "data"),
"s_stack" : ("s_stack", "soft_stack"),
"h_stack" : ("h_stack", "stack"),
"s_core" : ("s_core", "soft_core"),
"h_core" : ("h_core", "core"),
"s_rss" : ("s_rss", "soft_resident_set_size"),
"h_rss" : ("h_rss", "resident_set_size"),
# default host resources
"slots" : ("slots",),
"s_vmem" : ("s_vmem", "soft_memory", "soft_virtual_memory"),
#"h_vmem" : ("h_vmem", "mem", "memory", "virtual_memory"),
"s_fsize" : ("s_fsize", "soft_file_size"),
"h_fsize" : ("h_fsize", "file_size"),
"mf" : ("mem_mb",)
def add_custom_resources(resources, resource_mapping=RESOURCE_MAPPING):
"""Adds new resources to resource_mapping.
resources -> dict where key is sge resource name and value is a
single name or a list of names to be used as aliased
for key, val in resources.items():
if key not in resource_mapping:
resource_mapping[key] = tuple()
# make sure the resource name itself is an alias
resource_mapping[key] += (key,)
if isinstance(val, list):
for alias in val:
if val != key:
resource_mapping[key] += (alias,)
if val != key:
resource_mapping[key] += (val,)
def add_custom_options(options, option_mapping=OPTION_MAPPING):
"""Adds new options to option_mapping.
options -> dict where key is sge option name and value is a single name
or a list of names to be used as aliased
for key, val in options.items():
if key not in option_mapping:
option_mapping[key] = tuple()
# make sure the option name itself is an alias
option_mapping[key] += (key,)
if isinstance(val, list):
for alias in val:
if val != key:
option_mapping[key] += (alias,)
if val != key:
option_mapping[key] += (val,)
def parse_jobscript():
"""Minimal CLI to require/only accept single positional argument."""
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="SGE snakemake submit script")
p.add_argument("jobscript", help="Snakemake jobscript with job properties.")
return p.parse_args().jobscript
def parse_qsub_defaults(parsed):
"""Unpack QSUB_DEFAULTS."""
d = parsed.split() if type(parsed) == str else parsed
for arg in d:
if "=" in arg:
k,v = arg.split("=")
options[k.strip("-")] = v.strip()
options[arg.strip("-")] = ""
return options
def format_job_properties(string):
# we use 'rulename' rather than 'rule' for consistency with the --cluster-config
# snakemake option
return string.format(rulename=job_properties['rule'], jobid=job_properties['jobid'], qsub_prefix=job_properties['params']['qsub_prefix'])
def parse_qsub_settings(source, resource_mapping=RESOURCE_MAPPING, option_mapping=OPTION_MAPPING):
job_options = { "options" : {}, "resources" : {}}
for skey, sval in source.items():
found = False
if skey == 'tmpdir':
for rkey, rval in resource_mapping.items():
if skey in rval:
found = True
# Snakemake resources can only be defined as integers, but SGE interprets
# plain integers for memory as bytes. This hack means we interpret memory
# requests as gigabytes
if (rkey == 's_vmem') or (rkey == 'h_vmem'):
job_options["resources"].update({rkey : str(sval) + 'G'})
elif (rkey == 'mf'):
job_options['resources'].update({rkey : str(sval) + 'M'})
job_options["resources"].update({rkey : sval})
if found: continue
for okey, oval in option_mapping.items():
if skey == 'threads' and skey in oval:
found = True
pe_str = " smp " + str(sval)
job_options['options'].update({okey: pe_str})
elif skey in oval:
found = True
job_options["options"].update({okey : sval})
if not found:
raise KeyError(f"Unknown SGE option or resource: {skey}")
return job_options
def load_cluster_config(path):
"""Load config to dict either from absolute path or relative to profile dir."""
if path:
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.expandvars(path))
default_cluster_config = io.load_configfile(path)
default_cluster_config = {}
if "__default__" not in default_cluster_config:
default_cluster_config["__default__"] = {}
return default_cluster_config
def ensure_directory_exists(path):
"""Check if directory exists and create if not"""
directory = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
def update_double_dict(outer, inner):
"""Similar to dict.update() but does the update on nested dictionaries"""
for k, v in outer.items():
def sge_option_string(key, val):
if val == "":
return f"-{key}"
if type(val) == bool:
return f"-{key} " + ("yes" if val else "no")
return format_job_properties(f"-{key} {val}")
def sge_resource_string(key, val):
if val == "":
return f"-l {key}"
if type(val) == bool:
return f"-{key}=" + ("true" if val else "false")
return f"-l {key}={val}"
def submit_job(jobscript, qsub_settings):
"""Submit jobscript and return jobid."""
flatten = lambda l: [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
batch_options = flatten([sge_option_string(k,v).split() for k, v in qsub_settings["options"].items()])
batch_resources = flatten([sge_resource_string(k, v).split() for k, v in qsub_settings["resources"].items()])
# -terse means only the jobid is returned rather than the normal 'Your job...' string
jobid = subprocess.check_output(["qsub", "-terse"] + batch_options + batch_resources + [jobscript]).decode().rstrip()
#print(["qsub", "-terse"] + batch_options + batch_resources + [jobscript])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise e
return jobid
jobscript = parse_jobscript()
# get the job properties dictionary from snakemake
job_properties = read_job_properties(jobscript)
os.system(f'cp {jobscript} .')
qsub_settings = { "options" : {
"wd": job_properties['params']['logdir']
"resources" : {}}
# load the default cluster config
cluster_config = load_cluster_config(CLUSTER_CONFIG)
# qsub default arguments
update_double_dict(qsub_settings, parse_qsub_settings(parse_qsub_defaults(QSUB_DEFAULTS)))
# cluster_config defaults
update_double_dict(qsub_settings, parse_qsub_settings(cluster_config["__default__"]))
# resources defined in the snakemake file (note that these must be integer)
# we pass an empty dictionary for option_mapping because options should not be
# specified in the snakemake file
resource=job_properties.get("resources", {})
update_double_dict(qsub_settings, parse_qsub_settings(job_properties.get("resources", {}), option_mapping={}))
#get any mem_mb specific options from job_properties, default 1000M
update_double_dict(qsub_settings, parse_qsub_settings({'mem_mb':job_properties.get('resources', {}).get('mem_mb', 1000)}))
#get any threads specific options from job_properties, default 1 thread
update_double_dict(qsub_settings, parse_qsub_settings({'threads':job_properties.get('threads', 1)}))
# get any rule specific options/resources from the default cluster config
update_double_dict(qsub_settings, parse_qsub_settings(cluster_config.get(job_properties.get("rule"), {})))
# get any options/resources specified through the --cluster-config command line argument
update_double_dict(qsub_settings, parse_qsub_settings(job_properties.get("cluster", {})))
# ensure qsub output dirs exist
for o in ("o", "e"):
ensure_directory_exists(qsub_settings["options"][o]) if o in qsub_settings["options"] else None
# submit job and echo id back to Snakemake (must be the only stdout)
print(submit_job(jobscript, qsub_settings))
I cautch the shell script , as folloing:
# properties = {"type": "group", "groupid": "test", "local": false, "input": ["TEST2.TXT"], "output": ["TEST2.DONE"], "threads": 2, "resources": {"tmpdir": "/tmp"}, "jobid": "d3c6ba57-88a1-5c0c-b373-d8f3260f65bb", "cluster": {}}
# exit on first error
set -o errexit
cd /beegfs/work/user/tan.yuntao/pipeline/test_wes_on_version/test_chr6 && \
/beegfs/work/user/rdd_admin/software/miniconda39/envs/snakemake/bin/python3.9 \
-m snakemake TEST2.DONE --snakefile /beegfs/work/user/tan.yuntao/pipeline/test_wes_on_version/test_chr6/test.smk \
--force --cores all --keep-target-files --keep-remote --max-inventory-time 0 \
--wait-for-files '/beegfs/work/user/tan.yuntao/pipeline/test_wes_on_version/test_chr6/.snakemake/tmp.o68xx4st' 'TEST2.TXT' --latency-wait 15 \
--attempt 4 --scheduler ilp \
--wrapper-prefix \
--allowed-rules test2 --nocolor --notemp --no-hooks --nolock --scheduler-solver-path /beegfs/work/user/rdd_admin/software/miniconda39/envs/snakemake/bin \
--mode 2 --default-resources "tmpdir=system_tmpdir" && exit 0 || exit 1
there is no params
in properties.
I am trying to get the slurm profiles to work with grouped jobs. When I am using my profile for a normal job, everything works fine, but I systematically get the following error when I try to launch grouped jobs:
I'm doing tests with a minimal
:This is my
:And my
:I'm using a snakemake that I installed following this guide and the version is:
I am under the impression that the problem arise when this following line is executed:
Somehow, when there is the
directive, theparams
directive is incorrectly set. I did try to add aparams
directive in mySnakefile
, but I still get the same error, wether theparams
directive is an empty string or a normal string.I'm not that good with python and I am not sure how to debug this. Do you have any idea of how I could solve this problem?
Thanks! Charles.