Snakybo / Clicked

A keybind management addon for World of Warcraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
30 stars 6 forks source link

Innervate issue #156

Open Rika-chanXO opened 1 year ago

Rika-chanXO commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

So I'm a tank druid and I'm talented into Innervate. I use Clicked to be able to Dispell by clicking on party/raid frames. My dispell is bound to right mouse click. I want Innervate on shift+right mouse click. My problem is: When I bind it like that, and shift+right click, I just do the dispell animation. When I'm in healing specc, I innervate. When I'm in tanking specc and switch the two keybinds, then I have shift+right mouse with dispell, works, right mouseclick with Innervate works too and it tells me invalid target. I have no idea why Innervate doesnt work on shift+right mous click in tanking specc. I would really like to have it bound that way. Hopefully anyone has a solution or encountered something like that before?

Clicked Version


World of Warcraft Flavor


Tried with only Clicked enabled

Lua Errors

No response

Reproduction Steps

  1. be tank druid
  2. talent into innervate
  3. bind dispell to right mous click
  4. bind innervate to shift+ right mouse click

Last Working Version

No response


No response

Debug Output

No response

jermoo commented 1 year ago

set the correct/applicable conditionals and order. do /clicked dump and post here. Also set the conditionals for the talent(s). that allows you to re-use the bind for different talents depending on use case. Example: M+ or Raid, Guardian or other.

Rika-chanXO commented 1 year ago

Hey, I dont have any conditions cause I dont use multiple spells on one keybind. Here is the /clicked dump as requested:

Version: 1.10.1 Data Version: 2 Project ID: 1 Race: HighmountainTauren Level: 70 Class: DRUID Specialization: 104 (Guardian) Talents: BgGAYhlYdy9RJ6ROrphOEi69vCAAAAAAAAAAAAASSkIpkEhkkkAJhUoIASCkkEIJJBJSBaJAAAAAAQEQA Press Mode: AnyUp Autogen: False

Possess Bar: disabled Override Bar: disabled Vehicle: disabled Vehicle UI: disabled Pet Battle: disabled

----- Loaded binding 1 ----- Keybind: BUTTON2 Hovercast: true Action: macro Identifier: 2

/stopspelltarget /cast [@mouseover] Remove Corruption

----- Loaded binding 2 ----- Keybind: SHIFT-BUTTON2 Hovercast: true Action: macro Identifier: 2

/stopspelltarget /cast [@mouseover] Innervate

----- Hovercast Attributes ----- macrotext2: /stopspelltarget macrotext2: /cast [@mouseover] Remove Corruption shift-typerelease2: macro shift-macrotext2: /stopspelltarget shift-macrotext2: /cast [@mouseover] Innervate typerelease2: macro

----- Registered unit frames ----- Boss1TargetFrame Boss2TargetFrame Boss3TargetFrame Boss4TargetFrame Boss5TargetFrame CompactPartyFrameMember1 CompactPartyFrameMember1Buff1 CompactPartyFrameMember1Buff2 CompactPartyFrameMember1Buff3 CompactPartyFrameMember1CenterStatusIcon CompactPartyFrameMember1Debuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember1Debuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember1Debuff3 CompactPartyFrameMember1DispelDebuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember1DispelDebuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember1DispelDebuff3 CompactPartyFrameMember2 CompactPartyFrameMember2Buff1 CompactPartyFrameMember2Buff2 CompactPartyFrameMember2Buff3 CompactPartyFrameMember2CenterStatusIcon CompactPartyFrameMember2Debuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember2Debuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember2Debuff3 CompactPartyFrameMember2DispelDebuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember2DispelDebuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember2DispelDebuff3 CompactPartyFrameMember3 CompactPartyFrameMember3Buff1 CompactPartyFrameMember3Buff2 CompactPartyFrameMember3Buff3 CompactPartyFrameMember3CenterStatusIcon CompactPartyFrameMember3Debuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember3Debuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember3Debuff3 CompactPartyFrameMember3DispelDebuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember3DispelDebuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember3DispelDebuff3 CompactPartyFrameMember4 CompactPartyFrameMember4Buff1 CompactPartyFrameMember4Buff2 CompactPartyFrameMember4Buff3 CompactPartyFrameMember4CenterStatusIcon CompactPartyFrameMember4Debuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember4Debuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember4Debuff3 CompactPartyFrameMember4DispelDebuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember4DispelDebuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember4DispelDebuff3 CompactPartyFrameMember5 CompactPartyFrameMember5Buff1 CompactPartyFrameMember5Buff2 CompactPartyFrameMember5Buff3 CompactPartyFrameMember5CenterStatusIcon CompactPartyFrameMember5Debuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember5Debuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember5Debuff3 CompactPartyFrameMember5DispelDebuff1 CompactPartyFrameMember5DispelDebuff2 CompactPartyFrameMember5DispelDebuff3 FocusFrame FocusFrameToT Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton1 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton10 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton11 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton12 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton13 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton14 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton15 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton16 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton17 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton18 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton19 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton2 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton20 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton21 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton22 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton23 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton24 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton25 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton26 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton27 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton28 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton29 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton3 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton30 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton31 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton32 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton4 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton5 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton6 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton7 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton8 Grid2LayoutHeader1UnitButton9 PetFrame TargetFrameToT

----- Registered sidecars ----- ClickedSidecar1 (for PartyMemberFrame1) ClickedSidecar2 (for PartyMemberFrame1PetFrame) ClickedSidecar3 (for PartyMemberFrame2) ClickedSidecar4 (for PartyMemberFrame2PetFrame) ClickedSidecar5 (for PartyMemberFrame3) ClickedSidecar6 (for PartyMemberFrame3PetFrame) ClickedSidecar7 (for PartyMemberFrame4) ClickedSidecar8 (for PartyMemberFrame4PetFrame)

----- Profile ----- TJvxZPToq0FrDMgscbEK0K04PjgkY0oDMoIkSxanrwYxz5KsFO)27UY8HHeSj3B7d3PmdpGLxTFE05yB(j8ioBIuNi1ZYX)h6xWTid4m2GRV7oote7KgnTCQi2A(KqvG3KZKoiD9fXcDmOUXyt5tW9lSZa3iT01BQdSVtK7OLffwrOiTYg(ybuajSmqPidYXn6gaUEoNi(bAfFil3ZWc9p)wCrUZK(ZV5xh9Ir)iyD(0iYeKWVKZGVdXfuk33MawQIysnMf2Im36G0RWz2jkbOZ4SaY0PIy4RbVRFi7RbHFA89Y84XyQMtE9EH9b0jukxw9HTUOtlUJZEawqDso7Yrrr9dBvg3zwbTnQ5I2OmIeQvMPelalvydbHkLw6XYEjlEoTdmeGcIDqcMGoQstNiCBS7YDnqQXcd7Pr0SdnlhNOk0FH9dVUITHVfl3cLtMPGY5DPfoFquI88QB(QHJcUQ(DxAIF7LfvG(9wtrwLsA3u1IT3Qr5w5S5PMcTti1riib01hYxWEF8XHsSuOK)qScXUmcHNw1HNSRdXB73p8pfYSmiPMuFQAb6YAgdObIjEhVplEsyV3KuNfoHc0(zDL1z4swjS5qQjdkHwCwVWR2KXUYI5hgn4p4S)Ird4HhY1zqDiR8NKPP1x1zpMfTjPx20pP2Pi(ReZnxO1GAl)VDMI55mX6qzkCjgJnV2Jc7Iadch)(H9hny8GEdJ(Y4(dhpS3waB)(8yQQJ)N3kOJ9FqBEsxhgHybRPpSPC2tlj3HCcU57ppCROy9DH5gCmgJCSxRjONNe0cZkuc7QvMuXkVBLiglNaoFHUdsSPKUfLx7wV71qT6mNvG08inW130B0DrRqFYeemiNkjcyp7ishEuy5vkS0PZzTiQPFtkl3kZNQkMoDHgzr(lsE5Zge00GKYsBAqg5mETYiNXpkJCug5OmYFizeIkeFuTdvgPjg(xRWYwYsVEI9xux63KmZZL3269t6Es728QYiSBdUj6n1iMSvF)8TGj1ou3Ei(CiHRri1UWIQU39IG0ds7BpVvvZ0S)ps3RrrLd89JEjoweMGgr)oCrUdILBT4rJSv)l1ZQqt(6L2(pZbFus8aLeB(XzA8ru)d9zfwIwmzR4hzg9hGfxr46jLF8SrA8aUCMgsWAWtBM7fvmgka()JJzzQW35w(3bMC(nN1TD3wx82oTpTv3ZpTBl(03CoMkZrcy(sjA88robNjMAn8DNFcGsfHTlV(YYVEhTsNl4Sz0TxsJprHYbkPNzL8f)xd

jermoo commented 1 year ago

I'm not able to even cast it from the spellbook when in guardian spec. does it work for you? it works 100% in resto.

Rika-chanXO commented 1 year ago

I'm not able to even cast it from the spellbook when in guardian spec. does it work for you? it works 100% in resto.

Hey, yes. It works perfectly fine for me on any other keybing than shift+ right mouse click. Just a question here: did you try to cast it on yourself in guardian and did it do nothing or just tell you invalid target? Cause you can only cast it on healers :)

Snakybo commented 1 year ago

Do you have the self-cast modifier key set to SHIFT in the interface settings? That's the only thing I can think of that could affect this. If not, see if another keybind using SHIFT works. My expectation is that it will work with all keybinds that do not use SHIFT as a modifier.

Rika-chanXO commented 1 year ago

Hey, I don't use a self cast modifier at all. When I bind another spell to shift+right click I can use it on others as well, only Innervate has this issue.

Snakybo commented 1 year ago

I have a suspicion this is the same issue as #158. Can you try a binding with the following macro?

/target [@mouseover]
/cast [@target] Innervate

There is a bug on Blizzard's side that prevents some mouseover macros from working correctly.

gotex007 commented 1 year ago

I have a suspicion this is the same issue as #158. Can you try a binding with the following macro?

/target [@mouseover]
/cast [@target] Innervate

There is a bug on Blizzard's side that prevents some mouseover macros from working correctly.

Trying that solution for the Soulstone did not work. I tried casting it on me and it just targets me and doesn't cast it. Maybe it's because I'm using a Clicked macro for it since you can't do both "cast a spell on a unit frame" and "run a macro". I have my brez on shift+leftclick on all my characters so it's pretty jarring that it doesn't work specifically on the warlock.

Rika-chanXO commented 1 year ago

/target [@mouseover] /cast [@target] Innervate /targetlasttarget

Hey, nope still doesn't work on shift-right click.

jermoo commented 1 month ago

that worked for me.