Snapchat / djinni

A tool for generating cross-language type declarations and interface bindings. Djinni's new home is in the Snapchat org.
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Fix JNI marshalling of zero-length protobuf objects from native->Java #139

Closed kthornberrysc closed 1 year ago

kthornberrysc commented 1 year ago

Protobuf objects that contain only empty or default values take up zero bytes on the wire. In this case the JNI fromCpp() marshaller will try to map a DirectByteBuffer onto a zero-length nullptr C++ buffer, which is forbidden (

On my Android installation with -Xcheck:jni enabled, it will abort with the error "JNI ERROR: non-nullable address is NULL". In other cases the behaviour is undefined.

Fix: check for zero-length C++ buffer and in that case use an empty Java array-backed ByteBuffer to pass to the Java deserializer.

LiFengSC commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the fix!