SnapshotSerengetiScienceTeam / DataManagement

Scripts and issues to manage the SnapshotSerengeti images and metadata.
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Update cleaning script output format #49

Closed mkosmala closed 9 years ago

mkosmala commented 9 years ago

Forked from #4: The cleaning scripts should produce a format that looks like the following: COLUMNS: season: integer (season number) site: 3-character alphanumeric representing gridcell of the camera roll: integer (roll number within site) capture: integer (capture number within roll) image: integer (image number within capture) path: full path and file name of image newtime: corrected datetime for the image (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) oldtime: original JPG datetime for the image (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) invalid: integer (invalid code) include: 1 if the image should be sent to Zooniverse, 0 if not

meredithspalmer commented 9 years ago

Done. Will upload new scripts to GitHub and MSI later tonight.

meredithspalmer commented 9 years ago

Scripts are up on both.

mkosmala commented 9 years ago

Looks pretty good. Note that the format is not exactly as I have it above. But I can work with it. Actual format output of scripts is:

COLUMNS: [no name]: row number (integer increasing) season: integer (season number) site: 3-character alphanumeric representing gridcell of the camera roll: integer (roll number within site) capture: integer (capture number within roll) image: integer (image number within capture) path: full path and file name of image newtime: corrected datetime for the image (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) oldtime: original JPG datetime for the image (format YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS) invalid: integer (invalid code) include: 1 if the image should be sent to Zooniverse, 0 if not