Sneagan / atom-handlebars

Handlebars awareness for the Atom Editor
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Comments in HTML files #17

Open goffreder opened 9 years ago

goffreder commented 9 years ago

I'm experiencing a little issue with comments in plain HTML files. I have binded the toggle-line-comments command with the ctrl-7 shortcut. But when I use it in a simple HTML file the line is not surrounded with the usual HTML comment tags (<!-- -->) but instead the handlebars comment tags are used ({{!-- --}}). I temporarily solved this problem by removing these two lines from atom-handlebars.cson:

'commentStart': '{{!-- '
'commentEnd': ' --}}'

Maybe it should detect if the file type is HTML or Handlebars and apply the correct comment regarding context.

Sneagan commented 9 years ago

I've been waiting for this one to show up since seeing this in my own files. I'll try to take a minute to get this done soon!