Sneezry / authenticator

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I have remove the Authenticator and reinstall #260

Closed romeoog closed 6 years ago

romeoog commented 6 years ago


Anyway to recover my data? I have many site I can't access without the authenticator.

Please help.

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Reinstalling clears the data, if you have a backup you should restore that.

romeoog commented 6 years ago

sometimes theres a pop up asking to back up the data which I did, but I didn't manually back up any data didn't know how, so is there anything i can do?

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago
romeoog commented 6 years ago

so log into my laptop it has the older version not working and i put it on plane mode so it doesn't have internet, but nothing is working, what can i try?

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Go to Import / Export and copy the data there to a safe place to backup. If you can't do that then right click the extension pop-up and hit 'Inspect', go to the console tab and run this command:>console.log(JSON.stringify(data)))

It should look something like this: image

Copy the {} and everything in-between to a safe place, then paste it into the import export menu after updating.

romeoog commented 6 years ago

Version 4.19 doesn't let me go to option or do anything, I try with it on plane mode its doesn't work, do I have to turn on the internet?

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Go to chrome://extensions and click on background page image run this command:>console.log(JSON.stringify(data)))

It should look something like this: image

Copy the {} and everything in-between to a safe place, then paste it into the import export menu after updating.

romeoog commented 6 years ago

Tried on the laptop with internet off and nothing is working, any other options?

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

If you have the backup data that I told you how to get then turn on internet and update the addon. After that go to "Import / Export" and paste the data you got with your secrets in.

romeoog commented 6 years ago

Try all that you recommend but I can't get the backup data, is it manually save somewhere?

romeoog commented 6 years ago


Earlier I ran the command and just got that with internet off.

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Your codes are gone and there isn't anything I can do to help you unless you have a backup.

romeoog commented 6 years ago

so im pretty much screwed, I can't logged into anything that I have turn on 2fa?

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Not completely, most websites let you open a support ticket to turn off 2FA

romeoog commented 6 years ago

I have a pc that I haven't log on for a while, I just turn on and I see it has my the codes so I think i might be saved, I let you know thanks.

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Good luck

dginzbourg commented 6 years ago

worked for me, thanks a lot

romeoog commented 6 years ago

mymindstorm well I got it restored but a few new one I have added is not on there, but from now on I will back it up everytime I add something new, thanks for all your help.