Sneezry / authenticator

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No timer now #267

Open GC200 opened 6 years ago

GC200 commented 6 years ago

My blank page authenticator (happened 18 hours ago) issue was resolved 6 hours later. It was running all good and now not a single timer display in all my 8 accounts link to authenticator. I have the frozen codes of 8 accounts. Can you help me??

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago
GC200 commented 6 years ago


mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Instead of taking a picture, go to the console tab and copy and paste everything that is red into here.

GC200 commented 6 years ago

Using version authenticator 4.20. Chrome Version 64.0.3282.119

GC200 commented 6 years ago

Meaning there isnt any countdown timer in my authenticator. The 6 digit codes stay the same without moving

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Open the extension -> right click the pop-up window -> click inspect -> at the top of the page click console -> copy and paste red stuff here

GC200 commented 6 years ago

Slow network is detected. Fallback font will be used while loading: chrome-extension://bhghoamapcdpbohphigoooaddinpkbai/css/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 popup.html:1 Error in response to tabs.query: TypeError: Cannot read property 'url' of undefined at Object.callback (chrome-extension://bhghoamapcdpbohphigoooaddinpkbai/javascript/popup.js:652:31) at Object.showCodes [as callback] (chrome-extension://bhghoamapcdpbohphigoooaddinpkbai/javascript/popup.js:646:21)

ajostergaard commented 6 years ago

@GC200 are any of your codes dots (i.e. **) instead of numbers?

@mymindstorm - I had a similar error in my console and found out it was because two of my secrets had become corrupted (the encrypted flag was false but the secret looked encrypted). I guess I used different passwords on different computers or something went wrong when I unset the password - not sure at all.

PS: In case it's not clear from the above, the corrupted secret also caused the infamous codes being replaced with dots issue.

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Or wait I'm wrong, scratch that

mymindstorm commented 6 years ago

Going over this issue again, something is really wrong with it.

In the console enter this to get a backup:>console.log(JSON.stringify(data))) 

Copy and save that somewhere safe. Reinstall the extension to clear it's data. Then copy back into import export box and see of issue still persists.

ajostergaard commented 6 years ago

I already fixed mine. Deleting the corrupted key from the interface didn't work so I took a regular export, removed the corrupted entries from the JSON, renumbered the indexes, imported the JSON and added the keys I had deleted in the normal way. During all of that my password was 'unset' (i.e. set to empty).