Closed seanklei10 closed 6 years ago
of course you can... all intensities are at the miners folder and Alexis needs these intensities....
I would suggest though that if your wanting to split your rig up... you should use Hashsynminer in my repo. Hashsyminer is a bit more to setup but it does run smoothly
I just added Ccminerphi1.0 and replaced Alexis to Tpruvot-Alexis to hashsynminer last night and it kinda works the same as Sniffdog with adjusting intensities..
with new Alexis you will need to have longer interval times.... and even with ccminerphi1.0.... this is with a 1080 and a 1070 with intensity at 21.5 on Ccminerphi1.0
takes a long time for these miners to rev up! This miner is still going up in hash!
I also checked what you mentioned about intensity at 25? Even at 24 you start to get errors... here is a screenshot with Tpruvot 2.2.4 phi...
and this was stable at -i 23 Tpruvot 2.2.4 phi
ccminerphi1.0 at -i 23
at -i 24 ccminerphi1.0
at -i 25
ill leave at -i 24 on ccminerphi1.0 for a while and see if it crashes on 1080 and 1070 and will test hashsynminer at -i 24 with the rig split at ( 2 ) 3 1080ti cards each...
at least you are giving me a good algo to work with today ;)
Thanks for all the info! I'll give Hashsynminer a try. Any thoughts on how I'm supposed to setup my workername? My username is djsmining and it says my workername is djsmining.1 so do I just put in the 1 or djsmining.1 into the .bat file for workername?
Also, why did you choose to change from Alexis78 to Tpruvot Alexis? I get ~850mh/s with tpruvot and 1050mh/s with Alexis78, for DGB sklein
not sue what your doing wrong... it should be the same... since it's a newer version... i had no differences with mine on skein... you will have to show screenshots to prove your at those hashes... and also, show if your overclocking...
at username put djsmining
at workername put 1
password at miningpoolhub should be left at x
I'll shoot some screenshots after hashsynminer finishes benchmarks.
A few questions though, if i only want to mine on GPU0 and GPU2 and no CPU do I just leave in -SplitSniffCC0 '0' -SplitSniffCC2 '2' and delete the rest?
Should I put my BTC wallet in for all 7 -Wallet's?
-type nvidia, should I remove any of those?
just use only one ...... -SplitSniffCC0 '0,2' and SplitSniffEWBF '0 2'
if you were trying to run with two different wallets then you need two of them
if your only using one wallet then delete the rest...
powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command "&.\Hashsynminer.ps1 -Username djsmining -Workername 1 -RigName Hashsynminer001 -Currency USD -Passwordcurrency BTC -interval 90 -Delay 1 -SplitSniffCC0 '0,2' -SplitSniffEWBF0 '0 2' -Wallet 1AMQg6m9GPDN9HGuC3wJGpSuiZr1XQXjxi -Location US -PoolName MPH -Type nvidia -Algorithm tribus,c11,lbry,skein,equihash,groestl,sib,bitcore,blakecoin,Nist5,MyriadGroestl,Lyra2RE2,neoscrypt,skunk,keccak,x11evo,veltor,blake2s,x17,lyra2z,timetravel,polytimos,phi,hsr -Donate 5
then you just need to change algo's to suit MPH and btc address to yours, RigName to yours, and whether you want to donate
Perfect thank you. I'm running it now. I noticed there are several powerscript files for alexis, do I have to edit each one to adjust the intensity or just 0 and 2 since that is all I'm using?
How long should it take to finish "writing web request"?
if your only using one then Hashsynminer will only download one miner.... therefore you will only need one to edit
Hashsynminer won't take long but it does need to download miners
Not to sound confusing, but if you wanted to split your miner even more you can....Hashsynminer will download more miners for you that are ported differently so that the benching doesn't get screwed up
any reason I would error out trying to use poly? also on x17, seem sto be happening on quite a few of them
yeah if you look at the main window you will see nothing showing its direction in the "running" phase
it means that the api is not picking up on that algo cause it's not in miningpoolhub
like i said you will have to adjust the algos for what you want to mine in miningpoolhub in the hashsynminer.bat
So would you recommend I setup to use all the mining pools and change the code to -PoolName zpool,Hashrefinery,MPH,ahashpool ?
no you showed me earlier what you wanted to mine in MPH....(then you would have to choose miningpoolhub algo's they use) but if you wanted to open up to all the pools then yes but make sure you have your own bitcoin address in the hashsynminer.bat and use zpool,Hashrefinery,MPH,ahashpool
Thanks, will i need to register at each of those? Or does multipool cover it?
Below you can see alexis78 improvement over Tpruvot. This is running without any overclock on EVGA 1080ti hybrid cards
why do you have Tpruvot open?
it's set in Alexis in 3.9 and in hashsynminer
we do not use that link for alexis anymore....
I was running manually, I thought you said you switched to Tpruvot? I must have mis-understood.
I added all the pools however appears to be an issue with veltor, it doesnt seem to list the URL correctly:
0.00 PH/s 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 2 Times Bin\NVIDIA-Alexis0\ccminer-alexis.exe -a veltor -o stratum+tcp://: -u -p -d 0,2
Then has continous connection errors
yeah because zpool api is down...
it happens... just restart again (close then reopen hashsynminer)
Is it possible for it to skip? or do I have to manually take out that algo to get past it?
you can do it on the fly.... just go into the stats folder and delete the file that has the miner and algo.. hashsynminer will re-bench
I think that new ccminerphi1.0 has porting issues... I may have to use Tpruvot 2.2.4 for phi in Hashsynminer
Really appreciate all your help.
Is there anything else I'll need to setup? I have my BTC wallet in, multipool worker created and its running on the correct cards. Anything else to monitor or make sure autopayouts are working?
Do you ever run overclocking with hashsynminer?
ccminer phi-1.0 seems to be working
also ran into this error on c11
probably needs an intensity setting and lower than what it is running at
right now there is none
EDIT: try -i 20 and thanks for the catch
So far that appears to allow it to run c11, thanks!
How can I force it to rebenchmark an algo? My X17 and PHI seem way off. x17 i really only get like 40mh/s
go into stats folder and delete ccmineralexis-x17.txt
I'll check other stuff....
Will that ever update as it mines or it is a onetime benchmark?
that will update
Looks like everything is working perfect now. Thanks for your help! Is there anything else I need to setup for auto BTC payout? or anything else i need to "tune" in the bat file?
nah all is good if you didn't change the c=BTC in hashsynminer.bat and are using a btc address at zpool,hashrefinery,and ahashpool...
At miningpoolhub yes you will have to go in and do your settings for auto exchanging coins...
Glad I could help you out... hashsynminer is a bigger program and a lot harder to setup but well worth it when you are wanting to split how your computer functions
Another tip... if you get cut off from gaming having this program running in the background... just open a new user in windows and run the miner in that then come back to your original user :)
Good luck! and Thanks for all your help as well!
Is this the best place to chat with you? Do you have a discord or anything like that?
Also, what is the point of delay? Seems just like a gap between opening the miners? Sounded like you were working on a way to get the miners to overlap possibly?
overlap? No... porting yes... delay is the amount of time it take for a card to begin new work... this usually cools down a card a little before starting up a new algo... it's measured in seconds
No I don't have discord... I do come here to check on issues...
turn off ccminerphi1.0 for now and use Tpruvot 2.2.4 for phi and set intensity -i 23 please....
Looks like on my split rig that ccminerphi1.0 is not reporting properly
got it fliped over. What are you seeing as an issue?
Also, what is "profit analyser"?
it was not porting properly and could have issues with drastic benchmark readings
previous one running provided it's on the same pool
peeps wanted to something to check each pool for profit... so i added profit analyser... works with zpool,hashrefinery,ahashpool... you can split your rig to each pool and check out an algo to see which pool is most profitable
1) I currently have 2x 1080TI's in one computer along side another k4200 graphics card that I use as primary so the computer still works. I'd like to mine only on the two GPUs (not the k4200 card or CPU). Is there a setting for this?
2) ccminer continues to crash when its running. I have no overclocking setup and nothing else is running on the computer.
3) when I setup my worker it asks for both username and worker. So for username i put USERNAME and is worker USERNAME.Worker like its listed on multipool or just the unique identifier? Also, after how long should that worker show up as active on multipool?
4) can I adjust the intensity of individual algos? I know when I'm typically running PHI on intensity 25 I get ~40mh/s as opposed to the 30mh/s I'm seeing when its defaulting to 20 for intensity.
Thanks again for what looks to be a great program, can't wait to get it working!