SnipSavvy / SnipSavvy_Frontend
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Improve UI Responsiveness, Logo Quality, and Add Micro Animations #26

Open jatinkaushik-jk opened 1 month ago

jatinkaushik-jk commented 1 month ago

The SnipSavvy website has a few areas that need improvement for a better user experience:

Non-Responsive UI:

Issue: The layout does not adapt well to different screen sizes, causing elements to misalign or overflow. Solution: Implement CSS media queries and use a flexible grid system (e.g., Bootstrap or CSS Grid) to ensure the layout adjusts fluidly to various screen sizes.

Pixelated Navbar Logo:

Issue: The logo in the navbar appears pixelated, reducing the site's visual quality. Solution: Replace the current logo with a higher resolution image or use an SVG format for better scalability and sharpness.

Lack of Micro Animations:

Issue: The site feels static due to the absence of animations. Solution: Add subtle animations such as: Hover effects on buttons (e.g., color transitions, shadow effects, scaling). Cards logo animation on scroll (e.g., gentle scale-up or rotation).

These improvements will definitely enhance the site's responsiveness, visual appeal, and interactivity, resulting in a more engaging user experience.

sahilrohera10 commented 1 month ago

Good !! @jatinkaushik-jk assigned .. go ahead

Good luck !

jatinkaushik-jk commented 1 month ago

Thank you for providing me the opportunity to work on this issue. I appreciate your trust and support.

sahilrohera10 commented 1 month ago

Best of luck !