There should be a possibility to rerun failed DataDriven tests.
Stage 1: run robot with a list of failed tests:
robot --variable DYNAMICTESTS:suitename.testcase1|suitename.testcase4|suite2name.testcase2 mytests
The Variable DYNAMICTESTS may contain a list of test cases "|" (pipe) seperated.
Only test cases that matches one of these names will be executed.
Stage 2:
Create a PreRunModifier that fills the variable DYNAMICTESTS with failed Datadriven tests and deletes all passed testcases from the test model before execution.
There should be a possibility to rerun failed DataDriven tests.
Stage 1: run robot with a list of failed tests:
robot --variable DYNAMICTESTS:suitename.testcase1|suitename.testcase4|suite2name.testcase2 mytests
The Variable DYNAMICTESTS may contain a list of test cases "|" (pipe) seperated. Only test cases that matches one of these names will be executed.
Stage 2: Create a PreRunModifier that fills the variable DYNAMICTESTS with failed Datadriven tests and deletes all passed testcases from the test model before execution.