Snowflake-Labs / schemachange

A Database Change Management tool for Snowflake
Apache License 2.0
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snowchange appears to truncate my del statement #138

Open TimNapierVST opened 1 year ago

TimNapierVST commented 1 year ago


Im trying to execute `USE DATABASE {{db_name}}; alter session set QUERY_TAG = 'DDL'; {%- set str_schema_name = 'DATA_MART' -%} {%- set str_table_name = 'DIM_CLIENT' -%} {%- set str_column_name = 'INDUSTRY' %}

USE DATABASE {{db_name}}; {%- set str_schema_name = 'DATA_MART' -%} {%- set str_table_name = 'DIM_CLIENT' -%} {%- set str_column_name = 'INDUSTRY' %}

begin if ( not exists( select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema = '{{str_schema_name}}' and table_name = '{{str_table_name}}' and column_name = '{{str_column_name}}' ) ) then begin alter table {{str_schema_name}}.{{ str_table_name }} ADD COLUMN {{str_column_name}} varchar(100); return '{{str_schema_name}}.{{str_table_name}}.{{str_column_name}} added'; end; else return '{{str_schema_name}}.{{str_table_name}}.{{str_column_name}} already exists'; end if; end;`

and when it is executed, it truncates to

`use database timn_db_blue; begin if ( not exists( select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema = 'DATA_MART' and table_name = 'DIM_CLIENT' and column_name = 'INDUSTRY' ) ) then begin alter table DATA_MART.DIM_CLIENT ADD COLUMN INDUSTRY varchar(100);


Is this supported, if not, is there a way I can check for the existence of the column prior to running the alter statement.

CermitDFrog commented 1 year ago

Are you using execute immediate for this?

TimNapierVST commented 1 year ago

Are you using execute immediate for this?


CermitDFrog commented 1 year ago

Looks to me like it's executing to the first return and then breaking out of the execute block. This is probably something to do with the python connectors execute_string method, but that's about as far as I can go.

This type of thing doesn't super track from a CICD/Deployment tool perspective however. Shouldn't you know the object state prior to attempting to edit?

sfc-gh-tmathew commented 9 months ago

Hello @TimNapierVST

Thank you for posting your question. A couple of observations to try and alter to see if it meets your needs

  1. Avoid the use of the backtick.
  2. The {%- set str_column_name = 'INDUSTRY' %} is missing corresponding closing identifier. Use {%- set str_column_name = 'INDUSTRY' -%} instead.
  3. Finally, if you are building a anonymous stored procedure, try following the syntax for snowflake Scripting from the snowflake documentation.

Let us know how it goes with options suggested.