Snownee / Harvest-Festival

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[Suggestion] Config option for special soil types to be the exception of seasonal effects #27

Open mzldh opened 4 years ago

mzldh commented 4 years ago

Hello, I’ve been a huge fan of your other mods such as Cuisine, and I am very glad that you decided to bring this great mod to 1.12. Thanks the hard work!

As the title suggests, it will be extremely helpful for modpack developers to allow exceptions on certain soil types from the seasonal effects on crop growth. For example Hydroponic Growbeds from Emerging Technology mod ( )

While seasonal effects on crops bring an more immersive feeling to farming in Minecraft, the ability to lessen or ignore it’s negative effects is a very good incentive for players to develop their tech/ ingame progress. Which is why it is important to have such config functions implemented.

雪妮大佬好!我特别喜欢你的Cuisine mod,也很高兴你能把丰收季节这个经典小镇类mod做出1.12版。感谢大佬孜孜不倦的肝代码为我们带来这些mod!

如题,如果能够加入使特定土壤类型上生长的作物免受/减少季节对其的影响的话,对于整合包的制作和魔改都有非常大的帮助。最主要的一个例子就是新兴技术mod emerging technology 的水培床 季节对作物的影响虽然能够给农业游戏体验带来更多的趣味性和带入感,但是减少甚至无视其负面效果的能力能给玩家带来开发更先进的农业技术的动力。

Snownee commented 4 years ago


mzldh commented 4 years ago


Snownee commented 4 years ago


mzldh commented 4 years ago


mzldh commented 4 years ago

哦,还有马和猪耕 XD

ColaLiao commented 4 years ago


mzldh commented 4 years ago
