Snugug / Aurora

Drupal HTML5 Base Theme
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Grunt install may exceed Windows/NTFS 260 char path limit: Links to symlink workaround #43

Open pkiff opened 10 years ago

pkiff commented 10 years ago

This is a comment to help other Windows users of Aurora, rather than an issue.

The Grunt install that is configured with Aurora includes file paths that require 230 characters or more. Some local drupal development configurations can easily find themselves requiring a path of 30 or more characters to get to the theme folder. If you are using Windows or an NTFS file system, then you may find you can't get all the Grunt files installed or copied because the files exceed the 260 character path limit. Or you may run into issues with your VCS if it adds more characters onto the path of files it is working with.

This is a problem with running Grunt on Windows or under NTFS generally, not a problem with Aurora.

See: Installed directory structure is too long. Causes problems on Windows and can't be used with TFS source control #85:

One recommended workaround is to use symlinks for the node_modules as needed

nicolettedanagrin commented 8 years ago

Try Long Path Tool