Snugug / Aurora

Drupal HTML5 Base Theme
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Cannot figure out problem with Drupal Sass Compass Aurora Mamp Pro #49

Open marleneayers opened 10 years ago

marleneayers commented 10 years ago

I am getting this error as soon as I try to save the _config.scss: error: file to import not found or unreadable: 'compass'. I am on Mac 10.9.3. This is the response from ruby -v.(ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24 revision 45167) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]) This is a list of my gems activesupport (3.1.12) addressable (2.3.6) bigdecimal (1.2.0) blend-mode (0.0.1) breakpoint (2.0.7) bundler (1.6.2) CFPropertyList (2.2.0) chunky_png (1.3.1) color-schemer (0.2.8) compass (0.12.6) compass-aurora (3.0.9) compass-blend-modes (0.0.2) compass-normalize (1.5, 1.4.3) css_parser (1.3.5) erubis (2.7.0) extlib (0.9.16) fssm (0.2.10) halcyon (0.5.4) io-console (0.4.2) json (1.7.7) json_pure (1.8.1) libxml-ruby (2.6.0) merb-core (1.1.3) mime-types (2.3) minitest (4.3.2) multi_json (1.10.1) nokogiri (1.5.6) psych (2.0.0) rack (1.5.2) rake (0.9.6) rdoc (4.0.0) rubigen (1.5.8) sass (3.2.19) sassy-buttons (0.2.6) sassy-strings (1.0.0) singularitygs (1.1.2) sqlite3 (1.3.7) test-unit ( toolkit (1.3.8, 1.2.2)

This is what I have done. • installed Aurora subtheme in sites/all/themes • sudo gem install compass this installed sass 3.2.19 and compass 0.12.6 • sudo gem install compass-aurora this installed toolkit 1.2.2, singularitygs 1.1.2, breakpoint 2.0.7 • sudo compass create mytheme -r aurora --using aurora/corona this created a theme directory called mytheme in sites/