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Homework - Feb 28 #1

Open Snugug opened 10 years ago

Snugug commented 10 years ago

The homework for the February 28th session is posted to the wiki. Please have it finished for Monday. When you have completed your homework, file an issue here with a link to your updated HTML file and I will check you off.

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@yicaosh's home work posted in #2

scottnath commented 10 years ago

Are you making videos of the sessions yet @Snugug?

Snugug commented 10 years ago

Yes, they will be made available internally, but we don't have a place to store them yet.

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@user10620 home work posted in #3

pingucat commented 10 years ago

Here's my homework

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@kimichimi's is located at #5

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@pingucat Your indentation is a bit off and you shouldn't have any styling, especially inline styling, in your document.

Also, the <font> tag isn't a valid tag. Remember to take a look at HTML5 Doctor to brush up on your tag semantics.

pingucat commented 10 years ago

updated indent and killed styling

mikho78 commented 10 years ago

Here's my homework.

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@pingucat align="center" is inline styling as well, marquee tag isn't a valid HTML tag, and class="blink" shouldn't be there either as we haven't started going over classes and styling yet.

You should also take a look at my page to improve the semantics of your HTML

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@mikho78 be careful with your indentation. Your image tag needs an alt tag and your quote should probably be using the <blockquote> tag.

mikho78 commented 10 years ago

@Snugug changes made.

marianneflanagan commented 10 years ago

Here's my homework

cyberjunko commented 10 years ago

Here is mine

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@marianneflanagan I would like you to read up on the tags you've used on HTML5 Doctor. The <cite> tag is used incorrectly, and you appear to be using the <figure> tag as part of the content flow even though its position is important. If a figure's position is important, it's simply an <img> tag, <figure> is only meant for things that are meant to be referenced outside the flow of the main document, like images or charts in an encyclopedia. Also, take a closer look at the <small> tag over the <address> tag

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@cyberjunko be careful with your indentation. You also should not have <br> elements, they're used for spacing but we haven't gotten up to styling yet. I'd like you to read up on the <p> tag; it's mean for paragraph text, however, you are not using it as such. Finally, it appears as if you did not copy index.html when creating junko, and junko should be an HTML file.

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@mikho78 Your <img> should not have a border attribute, that is styling and will be handled by CSS when we get there. Additionally, your <blockquote> should not be inside a <p> tag; it is a stand-alone item in the content flow. I'd also like you to take a look at HTML5 Doctor's <blockquote>, <q>, and <cite> article to see if you can improve the semantics of your blockquote, especially the author information (look at their article on <i> as well)

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@pingucat The <header> element describes the heading of a section you're in and should always come first in its section. The order inside a given section is its relative importance to its other siblings. The <header> should be the most important sibling, with flow content being second, usually with <figure> elements marked up after the content that references them (although not always, just generally). Your <a> tags should also not include a target attribute; while valid, it's a best practice to allow users to choose how they would like to navigate.

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@calindrome, @NBC-UX-Brian, @scottnath, @teresafinch, @user10620, @welling11, @yicaosh I am missing homework from you.

scottnath commented 10 years ago

@Snugug I have completed my homework BAM

ghost commented 10 years ago

my homework

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@scottnath A <blockquote> is designed for quoting from another source, not embedding. As the position of the embedded video is important (referenced immediately instead of externally), it should not be a <figure>, a <div> is probably the appropriate wrapper.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Here's my homework.

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@NBC-UX-Brian, take a look at my example, to see if you can improve your semantics, especially around the main body of your content. HTML tags should always be written in lowercase. Do you need the <em> and <strong> tags? Would the copy in <em> really be vocally emphasized? Is the copy in <strong> really of more importance than the copy around it? Or were these tags used for styling purposes? If so, we shouldn't be using tags for styling purposes.

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@calindrome Be careful with opening and closing of your tags. You have a lot of opened tags that were not closed, so it's hard for me to follow exactly what's going on. Generally, you shouldn't use <br> tags inside of a <p> tag. Tags should always be lowercase. Take a look at my example to see if you can improve the semantics of your file.

ghost commented 10 years ago


Snugug commented 10 years ago

@calindrome Take a look at my example again. You appear to have two free floating <header> tags not tied to any sectioning element, and the first <p> tag is as well.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Hopefully fixed.

yicaosh commented 10 years ago

my homework

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@calindrome please read HTML5 Doctor on <article>

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@yicaosh Take a read of HTMl5 Doctor's <figure> prognosis. Your second article would probably be better as <section>s. Your articles also appear to have <header>s but not the relevant tags.

mikho78 commented 10 years ago

@Snugug I'm done with my changes

Snugug commented 10 years ago

@mikho78 Take a look at GitHub's Markdown Guide for writing comments, especially with links. Otherwise looks good.