SoCuul / SCInsta

A feature-rich tweak for Instagram on iOS!
84 stars 14 forks source link

Deb tweak #17

Closed fetchhh closed 3 months ago

fetchhh commented 3 months ago

Hello, is it possible to upload the tweak as a rootless deb?

vlourme commented 3 months ago

It's meant to be sideloaded, so it's already rootless. You can clone and run make do. You should get a .deb in the packages directory.

However, this is not a tested way of using this project, we've been working only on making an ipa file at the end. I'd be interested to know if it works correctly when used this way. Also, libbhflex dependency is not listed in the control file, installation might not work as expected. Be sure to build a deb file also for the libbhflex.

SoCuul commented 3 months ago

As @vlourme the only supported installation method currently is IPA, as it works for all pretty much all use-cases. Also, I am unable to test the tweak on a jailbroken device, so it's not worth it to me to try supporting it.

SoCuul commented 3 months ago

I'm going to mark this issue as closed for now, but if there's any reason why a deb could provide functionality that an IPA couldn't, I'll be more than happy to reopen it 😁