SoCuul / SCInsta

A feature-rich tweak for Instagram on iOS!
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Sideloading #2

Closed Invisible40 closed 4 months ago

Invisible40 commented 5 months ago

Not too familiar with sideloading nowadays - how can I add this IPA? Or, is it not complete yet?

vlourme commented 5 months ago

Hi, you can find a built IPA file on my own fork which is very similar to this one. I don't know if @SoCuul plans to build and release IPA on his repository, as it could be taken down by DMCA (seems pretty rare, though).

Else, you can build it yourself using a decrypted IPA file (can be found on The building script in this repository is not working for me, you can find a working on my fork. It should work with this repository code as well.

Last thing, I personally use Sideloadly (for dev/testing) or MapleSign (for long-term usage on my phone and Push Notifications), but it should work with any other IPA installer and signer.

SoCuul commented 5 months ago

Hi! Unfortunately I won't be able to distribute the tweak IPA here, since it would be distributing copyrighted material.

However, I am working on a script of some sort to easily build the tweak ipa with just the decrypted instagram ipa. It'll pretty much be drag and drop!

For now, I'd recommend downloading the IPA from @vlourme 's fork until I can get that published.

SoCuul commented 4 months ago

@Invisible40 With the latest version just published, building the IPA for yourself should be much more straightforward. If you need any help, let me know!