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Couldn't find libbhFLEX.dylib #20

Closed jobsgonnawork closed 2 months ago

jobsgonnawork commented 3 months ago

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 18 10 32

SoCuul commented 3 months ago

Did you make sure to clone the repo with --recurse-submodules? Check the ./modules/libflex/FLEX directory and make sure it's not empty.

cranci1 commented 3 months ago

Same issue here: (i did clone using --recurse-submodules) Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 14 23 19

SoCuul commented 3 months ago

Same issue here: (i did clone using --recurse-submodules) Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 14 23 19

Could you check the ./modules/libflex/FLEX directory and make sure it's not empty.

cranci1 commented 2 months ago

The /modules/libflex/FLEX directory is not empty

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 13 26 41

SoCuul commented 2 months ago

Which version of macOS, Xcode build tools, theos and gnu make are you running?

If you could run these commands and post the results that'd be great.

xcode-select --version
cd $THEOS && git rev-parse --short HEAD
make --version
cranci1 commented 2 months ago

Here you go

MacOS = 11.7.5 Xcode build tools = 2384 Theos = a55932f GNU = 3.81

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 07 06 04

SoCuul commented 2 months ago

Looks like your mac is using GNU make provided by macOS (which hasn't been updated since 2006 because of copyright things).

This article covers how to switch to a newer version of make:


brew install make
echo PATH=\"$(brew --prefix make)/libexec/gnubin:\$PATH\" >> ~/.zprofile

Try this out and attempt to build it again. Feel free to tell me how it goes, so I can update the documentation if this is what fixes it!

cranci1 commented 2 months ago

Alright, I've managed to resolve the issue with compiling libFLEX. It turned out that there were errors stemming from conflicting SDK versions—specifically, I had SDK 17.4 conflicting with 16.1. Removing these conflicting SDKs allowed libFLEX to compile perfectly, even with an older GNU version.

So the ipa has been generated successfully

SoCuul commented 2 months ago

Glad it worked out in the end!

@jobsgonnawork try removing any conflicting sdks to see if that fixes your problem as well!

cranci1 commented 2 months ago

Yeah just remove all the sdks (you can re add them later) from ios 16.0-17.4 this should fix

noxwell commented 2 months ago

I had the same problem and I don't see libflex make invocation in I had to do this:

cd modules/libflex

before ./ to make it work. For developer: probably you would need to test on clean git clone and fix build scripts.

asdfzxcvbn commented 2 months ago

I had the same problem and I don't see libflex make invocation in I had to do this:

cd modules/libflex

before ./ to make it work. For developer: probably you would need to test on clean git clone and fix build scripts.

exactly what i mentioned in my PR. SUBPROJECTS is being used incorrectly, i don't know how it would work without doing those steps.

SoCuul commented 2 months ago

Fixed as of the most recent commit.

Thanks @asdfzxcvbn :)