SoCuul / SCInsta

A feature-rich tweak for Instagram on iOS!
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QoL improvements #21

Closed k3v1nwrld closed 2 months ago

k3v1nwrld commented 3 months ago

Could you use Pyzule instead of Azule, as it is not maintained anymore and pyzule is just better overall. Also, it would be nice if downloaded images/videos would be removed from the documents folder as they take up unnecessary space (on app startup or after downloading them). Thanks

SoCuul commented 2 months ago


What are the main benefits of switching over to Pyzule?

k3v1nwrld commented 2 months ago

Faster, has like no bugs at all and is a frequently updated project. Azule has not gotten actual fixes to the bugs it has in a little over a year. On linux for example, if you do anything that involves the use of LDID, the app wont install

SoCuul commented 2 months ago

Faster, has like no bugs at all and is a frequently updated project. Azule has not gotten actual fixes to the bugs it has in a little over a year. On linux for example, if you do anything that involves the use of LDID, the app wont install

Could you possibly put together a pull request to migrate to Pyzule? I don't currently have the time to implement it and find out the differences between it and Azule.

SoCuul commented 2 months ago

@asdfzxcvbn Just noticed that you're the dev of pyzule. Does it work as a drop-in replacement or are there noticeable differences?

asdfzxcvbn commented 2 months ago

@asdfzxcvbn Just noticed that you're the dev of pyzule. Does it work as a drop-in replacement or are there noticeable differences?

while the repo says it's a "clone", it really isnt an exact clone. so some flags are different, for example, your script uses:

in pyzule, this would be done like so:

pyzule -i "$PROJECT_PATH/packages/${ipaFile}" -o "$PROJECT_PATH/packages/BHInsta-sideloaded" -f "$PROJECT_PATH/.theos/obj/debug/BHInsta.dylib" "$PROJECT_PATH/modules/libflex/.theos/obj/debug/libbhFLEX.dylib

also, i generally recommend using more flags and not only -f, so i would recommend this:

pyzule -i "$PROJECT_PATH/packages/${ipaFile}" -o "$PROJECT_PATH/packages/BHInsta-sideloaded" -uwsgf "$PROJECT_PATH/.theos/obj/debug/BHInsta.dylib" "$PROJECT_PATH/modules/libflex/.theos/obj/debug/libbhFLEX.dylib -m 15.0

this removes UISupportedDevices, removes any watch apps, fakesigns the app, removes encrypted app extensions, and sets the minimum os version to v15.0 (required by the latest versions of instagram). you could also replace -g with -e to completely remove all app extensions, which might be helpful for users who aren't using paid certs to install the ipa.

cephei, substrate, and pretty much any other dependencies will be automatically injected. so you could remove those from the repo if you'd like.

SoCuul commented 2 months ago

Hey, thanks for the in-depth response! Is there any chance you could possibly make a pull request with azule swapped out in favour of pyzule? I don't currently have time to test it out.

asdfzxcvbn commented 2 months ago

sure, i'll be free in a bit

SoCuul commented 2 months ago

As of the most recent commits the project has fully switched over to using Pyzule.

For the deleting files part, right now you can remove them via FLEX, and new built IPAs should have files access enabled. I could possibly see an implementation to delete the file after the share menu is closed, but I'm not sure.