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Touch Screen support #20

Open aspauldingcode opened 1 month ago

aspauldingcode commented 1 month ago

While some iDevices have touchscreen support already...

There is some work done on apple silicon TouchBars which could help with getting more iDevices touch drivers going from the Asahi Blog:

''' In order to light up the touchbar, ChaosPrincess had to reverse engineer a touchscreen controller, a display output controller (which is a completely different display controller than the main one…), and write a userland daemon to drive all the hardware together. As a fun aside, those touchscreen controller and display controller are the same IP blocks as present in certain mobile iDevices, so if someone wants to use checkra1n to put full Linux on their iPhones, some of that work is now done for you ;) '''

upintheairsheep commented 1 month ago

upintheairsheep commented 1 month ago

But some firm could pay him to resume development for a specific device, probably a school district wanting to fix some discontinued iPads