I thought it maybe helpful for other users to do a small write up of how I did my installation on a MacBook Air M1.
I Installed home-brew, open terminal and enter :
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh
Than I installed F1viewer with GO (because I had issues with the keychain access). Type in terminal :
go get github.com/SoMuchForSubtlety/f1viewer
Than I installed IINA as the video player for Mac via Homebrew. Type in Terminal:
brew install --cask iina
In the F1viewer app you will have the option to open a stream with IINA as well.
I added in /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/f1viewer/config.json some lines.
USERNAME needs to be replaced by your own username.
By copying this into the config.json you will have the option to open 4 screens at the same time.
To open the F1viewer app I'll go to Finder and type F1viewer and do a search. A black icon shows up named f1viewer. Double click and it will open the app. The location of the app is in my case: /Users/USERNAME/go/bin/f1viewer
USERNAME needs to be replaced by your own username.
I thought it maybe helpful for other users to do a small write up of how I did my installation on a MacBook Air M1.
I Installed home-brew, open terminal and enter :
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh
Than I installed F1viewer with GO (because I had issues with the keychain access). Type in terminal :
go get github.com/SoMuchForSubtlety/f1viewer
Than I installed IINA as the video player for Mac via Homebrew. Type in Terminal:
brew install --cask iina
In the F1viewer app you will have the option to open a stream with IINA as well.I added in /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/f1viewer/config.json some lines. USERNAME needs to be replaced by your own username.
By copying this into the config.json you will have the option to open 4 screens at the same time.
To open the F1viewer app I'll go to Finder and type F1viewer and do a search. A black icon shows up named f1viewer. Double click and it will open the app. The location of the app is in my case: /Users/USERNAME/go/bin/f1viewer USERNAME needs to be replaced by your own username.
Now key in your credentials and save them. Enjoy.