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Recipe Request: Charred Dirt to Dirt and equivalents #34

Closed InterwovenWasTaken closed 4 years ago

InterwovenWasTaken commented 4 years ago

I would like to request that recipes be added for the following:

Turns into Dirt: Charred Dirt, Charred Grass, Charred Grass Path, Frozen Dirt, Frozen Grass, Frozen Grass Path

Turns into Cobblestone (or smooth Stone): Charred Stone, Charred Cobblestone, Frozen Stone, Frozen Cobblestone

Turns into Charcoal Dust (or Tiny Pile of Charcoal Dust x2-3): Ash (Ice and Fire version)

Turns into Stick (possibly Stick x2-4): Frozen Splinters (ice dragon Ash block equivalent)

This would make it easier to clean up dragon attacks, because replacing the blocks with dirt/stone (using a shovel/pick, a Conversion Wand, a Worldshaper's Sextant, or any other tool) it would be possible to regain most, though not all, of the dirt/stone that was damaged. Ash and Frozen Splinters would not turn back into wood, but would turn into a mildly useful item as above, still losing a large amount of their value.

Alternatively, if grass could grow onto Charred Dirt, Charred Grass, etc., that would cause most non-tree dragon damage to realistically fade over time, but I believe that would be more complicated, and it might impinge on surface dragon hoards.

InterwovenWasTaken commented 4 years ago

Here's the recipes requested, plus recipes for converting Charred/Frozen Gravel to Gravel. I've tested them offline and they worked.

recipes.addShapeless("charreddirt", , []);recipes.addShapeless("charredgrass", , []);recipes.addShapeless("charredpath", , []);recipes.addShapeless("frozendirt", , []);recipes.addShapeless("frozengrass", , []);recipes.addShapeless("frozenpath", , []);recipes.addShapeless("charredstone", , []);recipes.addShapeless("charredcobble", , []);recipes.addShapeless("frozenstone", , []);recipes.addShapeless("frozencobble", , []);recipes.addShapeless("charredgravel", , []);recipes.addShapeless("frozengravel", , []);recipes.addShapeless("ashtocharcoal", 3, []);recipes.addShapeless("splinterstostick", 3, []);