SoarGroup / Soar

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how to determine which SML client sent a particular message? #420

Open garfieldnate opened 6 months ago

garfieldnate commented 6 months ago

I can activate SML tracing via kernel#SetTraceCommunications(true), but the SML messages don't seem to contain any client ID. The debugger is often a second client connecting to a kernel, and without client IDs on the messages it's not possible to tell the debugger SML calls apart from my own application's.

Do clients identify themselves somehow? Can I print out an ID somewhere? There is the SML Connection object, but the ID is just taken from the memory address (so it's not shared between client/kernel), and the name is always set to "unknown". I think we may need to extend SML a bit to properly specify a name; some random ascii would be fine. It just needs to be unique.