SoarGroup / Soar

Soar, a general cognitive architecture for systems that exhibit intelligent behavior.
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Using cmd RHS function to excise self causes segfault #424

Open Bryan-Stearns opened 5 months ago

Bryan-Stearns commented 5 months ago

Make a rule that uses cmd to run "excise --all", and Soar will crash.

(Understandable, but that behavior could be caught more elegantly. And if Soar could even keep running and execute the function as given, one could theoretically do some interesting tricks with having rules excise and load different files on the fly while running, to reduce match costs on a large agent for instance. Not that that's necessarily a best practice approach, but...)

garfieldnate commented 5 months ago

Fixing this looks a little intimidating to me, but I'm glad you submitted the report :D It seems like quite an edge case, but I'll check in with the group to see if anyone else would be interested in this working.