SoaringAlbetros / OpenDynamicArchitecture

The focus on this repository is to bring together the elements of dynamic capabilities
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Open SoaringAlbetros opened 11 months ago

SoaringAlbetros commented 11 months ago

Certainly, incorporating the insights from David J. Teece's paper on "Business models and dynamic capabilities" can enrich your GitHub repository on Open Dynamic Architecture. Here's how you can structure the content:

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# Business Models and Dynamic Capabilities

## Introduction
This section reviews the paper "Business models and dynamic capabilities" by David J. Teece. The paper explores the relationship between business models, dynamic capabilities, and strategy.

## Key Concepts
- **Dynamic Capabilities**: The ability of a firm to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal competences to address changes in the business environment.
- **Business Models**: The design or architecture of value creation, delivery, and capture mechanisms.
- **Microfoundations**: The base-level capabilities that underpin higher-order dynamic capabilities.

## Interdependence
The paper argues that a firm's dynamic capabilities significantly influence its proficiency at business model design. These capabilities are divided into "microfoundations" and higher-order capabilities focused on sensing, seizing, and transforming opportunities and challenges.

## Business Model Design
Business models need to be internally aligned and coherent. They must also align with the firm's internal structure and overall management model.

## Implications for Dynamic Architecture
- The concept of dynamic capabilities can be integrated into the framework of dynamic architecture to address changes in both technology and business environments.
- Business model innovation can be a key aspect of dynamic architecture, influenced by the firm's dynamic capabilities.

## Citation
Teece, David J. "Business models and dynamic capabilities." Long Range Planning 51 (2018): 40-49.

You can add this markdown file to the /Chapter02-Literature-Review directory in your GitHub repository. This will provide a comprehensive review of the paper and its implications for dynamic architecture, aligning well with the focus of your project on Open Dynamic Architecture. Would you like to proceed with this?